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China and Islam

Reader comment on item: How to End Terrorism:
in response to reader comment: China?

Submitted by Ianus (Poland), Dec 8, 2006 at 14:20

Dear Charles, you wrote :

"What possible deal could we make with them to undercut the arabs, muslims, and iranians, whose oil they really need. Are the Chinese aware that islam could bite them too?

The Chinese had once a very serious Moslem problem in Eastern Turkestan or the Xinjiang province , by far the biggest Chinese region. It had been under the nominal Manchu sway since the 18th century but around 1860 the local uprisings and the weakness of the Peking court tore if off China. Yukub Beg from Kokhand established a short-lived Moslem khanate playing off the Russians against the Chinese. Yet in 1877 he lost power and after negotiations with Russia the Manchu recovered the province.

But the Moslem Uighur majority was a source of constant trouble , especially after the fall of the Manchu central government in 1911. Between 1884 and 1949 , when the communists won the civil war and re-established the central government , more than 40 bloody anti-Chinese revolts took place and there was constant guerrilla warefare which peaked in 1933 when the Moslem Uighurs established a short-lived " the Islamic Republic of Uighuristan" with shari'a and all other Islamic paraphernalia. It was with the Soviet help that Uighuristan was overthrown. The same episode occurred between 1944 -1949 where the Uighur Moslems re-estabished the Islamic Republic but this time it was Mao-Tse Tung that suppressed the violent Islamic movement . The head of Uighuristan Aysa Beg ran away to "secular" Turkey . Around 500 000 Uighurs fled the province for Soviet Central Asia where they recently formed the Committee for Eastern Turkistan , one of the most radical Moslem organizations in Central Asia . More 150 000 Uighurs live in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia and they will never forgive the Chinese for what they did to Moslem Uighuristan.

Quite aware of the Moslem threat the Chinese have conducted ever since a very judicious and far-sighted demographic and re-settlement policy to make Xinjiang a secure place and eradicate Islam with the final aim of assimilating and de-Islamizing the Uighurs and other ethic minorities. And this could be achieved at first only and exclusively by reducing the proportion of the Moslems in the province (96% before 1949 ! ), that is to say by importing the Han race majority to the province. Before 1949 there were only 300 thousand Chinese settlers in Eastern Turkestan . The Uighurs and other Moslem groups eamounted up to c. 7 000 000 .

Now after two generations there are more than 6 million Han Chinese , which is more than 50 % and with the Chinese family policy the assimilation of the Uighur Moslem group is a question of a few more generations. They can't breed as they do in the West. This is further re-inforced by the fact that the government conducts a vigorous school policy in the province and favours other less violent ethnic and religious groups at the expense of the Uighurs . The Uighurs live under rather primitive conditions whereas the better educated Han Chinese get better jobs.

At the same time the Chinese were determined - and knew how - to crush the hydra of Islam in the province. Quranic schools were closed, suspect imams and Moslem scholar jailed or persecuted or even sentenced to death, violent Moslems rounded up ruthlessly , new mosques were not allowed to be built. In 1990 in the town of Akto the last circumstance formed a pretext for Moslems to demonstrate against the Chinese. Riots started and the Chinese responded with radically efficient means. 60 Moslems were killed and soon almost 8000 were arrested with different criminal charges raised against them .

The Chinese see a Moslem problem largely as a criminal problem. Moslems become criminal so they are treated as such. No holy nimbus of religion protects them as it happens in the West where criminal Moslems can break the law as often as they want unpunished as long they do it in the name of Islam. In China on the contrary but logically enough , being a Moslem only aggravates a criminal's situation! In February 1996 riots started as the news spread among Moslem "youths" that the authorities had arrested 60 well-known Moslem activists and "scholars". The Chinese were forced to shoot at the enraged Moslem crowds and thus quickly ended the Moslem riots. All attempts to re-establish Uighuristan or Islam in Xinjiang have failed and the tendency is clear for an Islam-free eatsern Turkestan.

Well , the Chinese are actually doing what some more far-seeing Westerners might only be dreaming of whispering it so silently that no "politically correct" informer denounces the dreamer to the Saudi-subsidized mass-media !

"Insofar as oil goes, the only stable source is Canada. But what card could the West play with China that would pull the rug from under the islamiists and leave them eating sand?

Well, some things would no doubt attract the Chinese so much that they could unconditionally support the possible struggle of the world community against Islam , the more so as this struggle -as we can see in Xinjiang - is in the self-interest of the Chinese themselves ... I mean in exchange for Taiwan or stopping the hypocritical outcry policy over Chinese measures in Tibet the Chinese might be prone to do many things for America. Perhaps it might include sending troops to Iraq , Iran , Afghanistan or even to Saudi Arabia . They are ones of few who really know how to deal with "the religion of peace" .

But in my view the best scheme would be that of forming a large world-wide anti-Islam coalition including Russia , India and China . Russia is much interested in stopping the march of Islam on her own territory and in the vicinity. Instead of intriguing against Russians in the Caucaus and sending military missions to Georgia and former Soviet Central Asia the US might leave the regions as a legitimate Russian sphere of influence. Russia would greatly appreciate that. And the country showed in Chechnya that it also is capable of dealing with criminal Moslems effectively , i.e. not by words but in harsh reality of an anti-Moslem war. India could be won easily by siding unambiguously with her in the conflict against Pakistan , another evil Moslem empire. Estranging and antagonizing these natural allies in the struggle against Islam America seems to be preparing its own funeral as a superpower making the Western world defenceless against Islamization.


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