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Blankets, Bombs, or Bribes
Why Give Foreign Aid?

by Daniel Pipes and Michael Rubin  •  February 6, 2025  •  MEF Observer

After President Donald Trump froze United States Agency for International Development (USAID) grants, its outgoing administrator Samantha Power stumbled for words as she strained to vent her indignation:

Programs that we're running, the people we're depending on, in some cases, for life-saving medicine. ... Or if you're in Sudan and you have a child who's wasting away because of malnutrition, a miracle paste, a peanut paste that USAID provides brings that kid back from the brink of death – all of those programs are shuttered.

In plain English: Don't touch USAID!

Power, however, conveniently ignored a wide array of outrages engaged in by USAID, such as the $122 million it sent to groups aligned with designated terrorist entities, mostly on her watch. In other words, the full reconsideration of USAID now starting is very long overdue and urgently needed.

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Expel Gazans?

by Daniel Pipes  •  February 3, 2025  •  MEF Observer

Donald Trump forcing Gustavo Petro, Colombia's far-left leader, to back down in the face of the threat of sky-high tariffs was a welcome change after four years of Joe Biden's geriatric passivity. But Trump's broader threat of indiscriminate tariffs – including against Canada and Mexico – will have dire foreign policy consequences. Close allies will distance themselves and trading partners will flee to other markets.

Consider recent Trump's threats against Egypt and Jordan. Here's the chronology:

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Israel's Military Failure, Gaza's Dismal Future

by Daniel Pipes  •  February 1, 2025  •  Australian

Israelis widely agreed in the aftermath of the Oct. 7, 2023, massacre that Hamas must no longer rule Gaza; indeed, it had to be destroyed. Some 16 months later, however, Hamas remains a powerful institution. The question of Gaza's future governance, as a result, has become fluid and confused.

This situation raises several questions: Why did the powerful Israeli military, the one that defeated three Arab state armies in six days, fail to defeat a rag-tag militia? What are the possible ways forward for Gaza? What is the most likely outcome? What would be the best one?

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The Momentous, "Horrific" Hamas-Israel Deal

by Daniel Pipes  •  January 18, 2025  •  Australian

The ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas announced on Jan. 15 has implications nearly as momentous as the Oct. 7, 2023, massacre that precipitated it.

The deal comes after fifteen months of protracted indecision by the government of Israel, during which Jerusalem followed two contradictory policies toward Hamas: Destroy the organization. Make a deal with it.

The first policy, victory over Hamas, clearly appealed more to Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. By my informal count, he mentioned "victory" 216 times in 76 discreet statements, from the immediate aftermath of Oct. 7 to lighting the Hanukkah candles three weeks ago. At times, as in a statement on French television, his sentences amounted to a barrage of victory talk: "Our victory is your victory," he said. "Our victory is the victory of Israel against antisemitism. It is the victory of Judeo-Christian civilization against barbarism. It is the victory of France."

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Why Jihadists Wage War on Christmas (and Other Holidays)

by Daniel Pipes  •  January 5, 2025  •  Wall Street Journal

Few things foster a sense of common humanity as much as the adherents of one religion offering warm holiday wishes to members of another. Yet some people reject this geniality on principle. Islamists—Muslims intent on returning to a medieval law code—despise any holiday not sanctioned by Islam. This archaic and bigoted attitude provides context for the New Year's Day massacre in New Orleans that left 14 dead and dozens injured.

Islamic theologians of the Middle Ages set out the general approach. Ibn Taymiya (1263-1328) argued that joining non-Muslims in their festivals is equivalent to "agreeing to infidelity." His student Ibn al-Qayyim (1292-1350) specified that congratulating non-Muslims on their holidays "is a greater sin than congratulating them for drinking wine, having illegal sexual intercourse, and so on."

Of all infidel holidays, Islamic authorities most detest Christmas, when Christians believe God became man. As historian Raymond Ibrahim has noted, these theologians, who believe that polytheism is the ultimate sin in Islam, consider Christmas "the biggest crime ever committed by humanity."

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Proof that COVID-19 Came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Letter to the Editor

by Daniel Pipes  •  December 26, 2024  •  DanielPipes.org

To the Editor:

Hats off to Michael R. Gordon and Warren P. Strobel for an in-depth analysis of the U.S. intelligence community's wrangling over the origins of COVID-19, whether coming from an animal or the Wuhan Institute of Virology ["Behind Closed Doors: The Spy-World Scientists Who Argued Covid Was a Lab Leak," Wall Street Journal, Dec. 26].

They mention only in passing "China's stonewalling," that U.S. officials believe "efforts to investigate the virus's origins [were] unduly constrained by the Chinese," and that "a conclusive assessment about the virus's origin cannot likely be made without China's cooperation."

Conjuring up my inner Sherlock, I propose that this information blackout provides the clue. Had the coronavirus come from an animal, the Chinese Communist Party would have been eager to make information available. Its fervent and protracted efforts to censor its origins sends an irrefutable signal that the disease originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Case closed.

Yours sincerely,

Daniel Pipes

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Facilitate America's Enemies Killing Each Other in Syria

by Daniel Pipes  •  December 7, 2024  •  MEF Observer

President-elect Donald Trump wants nothing to do with Syria. On December 7, 2024, he wrote that "THE UNITED STATES SHOULD HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. THIS IS NOT OUR FIGHT. LET IT PLAY OUT. DO NOT GET INVOLVED!" (his capital letters).

I disagree. In fact, the U.S. government should help Bashar al-Assad, a brutal, totalitarian dictator, to remain in power. This unhappy example of counter-intuitive Realpolitik follows on the circumstances in Syria.

Simply put, when both sides to a conflict are loathsome, Americans must put aside their usually welcome and instinctive feelings of short-term humanitarianism and instead think strategically. What outcome, they should ask, will do least long-term damage to civilians and to U.S. interests?

As I wrote about Syria in 2013, "Evil forces pose less danger to us when they make war on each other. This (1) keeps them focused locally and it (2) prevents either one from emerging victorious (and thereby posing a yet-greater danger)."

In the prototypical example, the Roosevelt administration correctly helped Stalin against Hitler. It did not do so out of sympathy for the Soviet Union but out of concern that it would fall, thereby augmenting the power of Nazi Germany. Better they should battle each other on the Eastern Front than aggress globally. In similar spirit, the Reagan administration supported Iraq against Iran.

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review of The Only Jew in the Room: Searching for Understand in an Arab Islamic College

by Daniel Pipes  •  Winter 2025  •  Middle East Quarterly

After 24 years in the Israel Defense Forces, much of it focused on the West Bank and Gaza, Lt. Col. (ret.) Avi Shalev, a Jew, made the unique decision in his late 40s to devote two-day weekends for the next 1½ years to acquiring a graduate-level teaching certificate from the Al-Qasimi Academic College of Education in the Israeli Muslim-majority town of Baqa al-Gharbiya. Founded in 1989 with a distinctly Islamic orientation, the college offers B.A.s and M.A.s. The Only Jew builds on his real-time notes to present a sometimes boisterous, sometimes anguished account of his unusual experience.

Shalev keeps it personal and stays away from politics but he always remains aware of the topsy-turvy situation whereby he, a former member of Israel's power elite, voluntarily subjects himself to linguistic, religious, and social marginality at Al-Qasimi.

The Only Jew contains many observations of value. On Jerusalem: "In Arab and Islamic public consciousness there has never been a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem." When he disagreed with this consensus, he met with frank disbelief: "A Jewish temple in Jerusalem? Come on, ya Avi. Who told you this lie? There was always a mosque there, it's a well-known fact."

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review of Narrating the Pilgrimage to Mecca

by Daniel Pipes  •  Winter 2025  •  Middle East Quarterly

"It was magical; more magical than Disneyland!!" Thus does a British Muslim recall her 'umra, while Moroccans recall their pilgrimage experience as "beyond words," requiring that one "personally experience the journey to understand it." In contrast, a nineteenth-century Indian pilgrim found Mecca to have "a dreary, repulsive aspect" and "the majority of the people are miserly, violent-tempered, hardhearted and covetous," while a Soviet-era pilgrim in Mecca felt himself thrown into the "hellish sufferings of the middle ages."

Between those extremes lie many, many reactions by Muslim visitors to the Masjid al-Haram and related sites in and around Mecca. Buitelaar and van Leeuwen, of the University of Groningen and the University of Amsterdam, respectively, have collected nine of what they call historical accounts of pilgrimage (the most recent dating from 1965) and seven contemporary accounts.

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review of The Culture Transplant: How Migrants Make the Economies They Move To a Lot Like the Ones They Left

by Daniel Pipes  •  Winter 2025  •  Middle East Quarterly

Understandably, given the sensitivities involved, the words Islam and Muslim barely come up in this immensely important study of immigration. But The Culture Transplant has obvious and major implications for the movement of Middle Eastern, African, and South Asian peoples to the West. Jones, an economist at George Mason University, starts by noting the common assumption that immigrants and their descendants assimilate to their adopted countries; he then devotes his short book to refute this erroneous belief.

He first acknowledges the triple intellectual origins of this inquiry: 1990s computing power; an influential 1997 article by Xavier Sala-i-Martin that pointed to cultural factors as a major component of economic growth; and the surge in scholarship on the role of culture that then followed.

Jones argues that "the shadow of the past is transmitted through culture to shape the diverse economies we see around the world today." He cites the case of Argentina, which went from one of the richest countries to a poor one, as an example of immigration drastically changing political ideas and economic institutions. Focusing on levels of trust ("a critical ingredient in the nation's prosperity recipe"), he notes the persistence of patterns of trust or mistrust unto the fourth generation.

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Richard Pipes and Irene Pipes Bibliography

by Daniel Pipes  •  October 30, 2024

About Richard Pipes:

"Islam's Battle with a Hostile World." By John Lloyd, Financial Times, January 11, 2003. A comparison of the careers of Richard and Daniel Pipes.

"Appreciations of Richard E. Pipes." By Historians, Government Colleagues, Former Students, Editors, Critics, et al., 43 in All. July 11, 2013. Collected by Daniel Pipes. As the full title explains, "Presented on his 90th Birthday. Presented, as befits an historian, in reverse chronological order."

"Richard Pipes, Historian of Russia and Reagan Aide, Dies at 94." By William Grimes, The New York Times, May 17, 2018. An obituary.

"'Saved from certain death' to change the course of history." By Jonathan Daly, The Jerusalem Post, May 28, 2018. An obituary by a former Ph.D. student and future biographer.

"'He Has Lived': Richard Pipes, 1923-2018." By Daniel Pipes, The Australian, June 2, 2018. An appreciation.

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Let Argentina, Israel, Italy, Taiwan and Others Lead
A weaker U.S. may compel allies to increase strength

by Daniel Pipes  •  October 22, 2024  •  The Editors

The posed question has a dated quality to it: It made sense between 1945 and 2008, from the United States becoming a great power to the election of Barack Obama. Now, sadly, it is an anachronism.

America represented a new kind of great power, one uniquely melding national interest with moral principle. Forged in the hot war with Nazism and the Cold War with Communism, girded by a faltering but adequate bi-partisan consensus, uncontested in its leadership, Washington indeed stood proud for two-thirds of a century as the tribune of "freedom, democracy, and rule of law."

It then fell from this position, and increasingly so with time. Between a Democratic party that features loud elements who despise the United States ("F**k America") and a Republican party that responds with petulant isolationism ("Stop Funding Ukraine War"), the center has weakened over the past fifteen years. None of the candidates for president (not even the minor ones) offers the potential leadership for the United States to fulfill its former mission of leadership and morality.

Therefore, I cannot offer "promising, concrete, specific steps." Instead, I can point to a mostly-unnoticed silver lining: the bolstering of American allies.

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How a Never-Trumper Votes for Trump
Letter to the Editor

by Daniel Pipes  •  October 11, 2024  •  DanielPipes.org

To the Editor of the Wall Street Journal:

Kevin D. Williamson located "five tribes of the anti-Trump right" ["Where Do Never Trumpers Go From Here?" Oct.11]. May this Never-Trumper, who left the Republican party when Donald Trump was nominated, point out a sixth? That is, we who hold our collective nose and vote for him.

One can find Trump repellant as a human being, deem him wildly unsuited for the presidency, revel in the lawsuits against him, and despair of the conservative movement – yet still conclude, faced with a binary choice, that he is preferable to Kamala Harris. Personally, I have two main reasons for doing so.

First, each of us has his priority issues: mine are the cultural wars and foreign policy (i.e., not economics nor abortion). On every cultural issue, from public toilets to systemic racism, Trump's views (and judicial nominees) are far closer to mine. Foreign relations are more complex, with Harris being better on Ukraine and NATO, Trump better on Iran and Israel. As a whole, then, I prefer Trump's policies.

Second, although we tend to see presidential elections as High-Noon-style shoot-outs between two individuals, large presidential teams run the executive branch's three million employees. Here too, the Republican squad comes closer to my views than the Democratic one.

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Israel's Reversion in 2023's Closing

by Daniel Pipes  •  October 7, 2024  •  MEForum.org

October 7 changed everything in Israel, they said. But did it?

The immediate reckoning was brutal. "So many policies and paradigms," David M. Weinberg of the Misgav Institute wrote, "have been proven faulty, phantastic, illusory, and grotesque." The idea of a Hamas-governed Gaza placated by economic well-being, Martin Sherman of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies concluded, was but "a hallucinatory pipe dream."

Politicians abruptly and radically changed their tune. Netanyahu spoke repeatedly of victory and winning. "Victory will take time. ... now we are focusing on one goal, and that is to unite our forces and storm ahead to complete victory." He told soldiers "The entire people of Israel are behind you and we will deal harsh blows to our enemies to achieve victory. To victory!" And: "We will emerge victorious.

Many others in government followed suit. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant quoted himself informing President Joe Biden that Israel's victory "is essential for us and for the United States." To his soldiers, Gallant declared, "I am responsible for bringing victory." Bezalel Smotrich, the minister of finance, announced the halt "of all budgetary outlays and redirected them to one thing only: Israel's victory." He called the goal of Israel's war with Hamas to be "a crushing victory." Benny Gantz, a member of the War Cabinet, deemed it "the time for resilience and victory."

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Israel's Two Archenemies, Iran and the Palestinians
The array of threats facing Israel make it unlike any other contemporary state

by Daniel Pipes  •  October 5, 2024  •  Australian

What followed the Oct. 7 massacre clarified a reality: while most people and governments around the world accept the existence of Israel and wish its people well, two determined sets of enemies with different qualities and posing distinct threats want it and its Jewish inhabitants destroyed. Each of them, Iran's regime and the Palestinians, has a network that makes it fearsome in contrasting ways.

Context. The Jewish state has faced a unique barrage of six threats. These include, going from most to least violent:

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