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Our dear Deb agrees that the Qur'an says that Jesus is God read and laugh

Reader comment on item: The Temple Mount's Indian Counterpart
in response to reader comment: Reply to DNM

Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Jul 6, 2010 at 20:53

Our dear Deb the wannabe Arab wrote

>DNM the slave of the AIPAC

For the readers: When Muslims have nothing to say they go after the Jews

Oh those pesky Jews

Oh would Aipac pay me for making your likes appear as fools? You know what? You can tell them that I would do it for nothing

>is trying to set his own rules when it comes to proving the authenticity of the letters of the Prophet Mohammad to the Byzantine and Persian emperrors.

Hello: we kuffar say that it is who he has a claim is the one that has to prove such claim and we kuffar can watch you making a fool of yourself again and again

So let me help you: You told us that Abul Qasim sent those so called letters then where is your evidence?

>Let me tell you then I also have my own rules. Following will not be allowed as sources of evidence :1. Any mention or reference from Hoyland Survey2. Any mention or reference from Gerd Puin3.

Oh so did you find Hoyland survey? and di you read about Puin? Let me guess you did as you will find a lot about both in the pakistani web site islamicawareness

>Any mention from any Islamophobe and anti-semitic (here I mean anti-Arab) sources like Ba'at Yeor , Ayan Hirsi Ali , Ibn Warraq , Robert Spencer , Hugh Fitjerald , Pamella Geller , Nonie Darwish , Lisa Daftari , Mark Steyn , Barnard Henry Levy , Taslima Nasrin and Salman Rushdie.Following will be accepted :

Mr ignorant: how many of the above names know anything about the history of the religion of the Arabs or can read the sources in Arabic and Syriac or even study history Let me help you non of the above but I can something that you cannot do

Oh and islamophobia? Oh spare us this one

But let us have a deal: delete all the hate in the Qur'an of the Jews and the Christians and the Hindus and the Buddhists and the atheists and of women and we will stop going after islam! Deal?

And how do you except anyone to prove a negative but again Greek logic is beyond you and beyond your Allah

Hello: you need to stop posting your drivel and take a class as basic as History 101 ...

It is you and not any of those above kuffar that has to prove that these bogus letters existed now do you get it?

Now do you see what happens to people like you that are not original in their thinking

So where is your evidence that these letters existed? And let me help you

1. The bogus and tendintious islamic historical tradition

2. Hoyland survey

3. The extant literature of non Muslims that did witness the Arab invasion of their lands and you will find it in Hoyland

Now it is your chance to shine

>1. Reference from real historians like Karen Armstrong ,

ROTFL She is a historian? She is ignorant and she said several times that she is not a historian and she cannot tell the difference between her elbow and you know what.

>John Esposito and others.

He is just as ignorant

Oh and where would i find in either one gobbledygook books that these letters existed hard and solid evidence

>2. Reference from Edward Gibbon's works.

Oh so Gibbons say that Abul Qasim sent letters? Sobhanallah where? And what evidence did he provide and remember it is you that have to tell us I can watch making a fool of yourself again

3. Any other authentic Islamic source.

Oh sources that you cannot read in Arabic right? It is you that have to check these sources and provide us with the exact references in Arabic and no translations will be accepted and why such reference is sahih aw laysa sahih

>I would prefer for using English sources since I do not know Arabic or Syrian languages.

You have the guts to ask for translations? No we kuffar do not make it easy for ... like you

But the Qur'an says that Jesus is God would you like to know more? Then ask.

>My Answer : Yah , prove it to me.

I'm glad you did and I did prove it to you before but the Qur'an that you cannot read in Arabic says

1. Jesus created life by breathing air into clay birds albeit biidhin allah right our dear deb? And I'm sure that the only thing that can create a life must be a God then congratulations our dear deb but 3Issa or yasoo3 al-maseeh or Jesus is really your allah. Oh the bidihin Allah? Well you see our dear deb your Allah tells you to go out and spread his religion and to qatil fi sabeel allah? How come Allah cannot do that and he has to ask mere human beings like you to qatil fi sabilihi? So what is wrong if one of allah's aqaneem ask another uqnoom for help? You tell us our dear deb!

>My Answer : Quran supports the claim of what you mention

Oh that Jesus is God we know that! I just told you so. And you know what and thanks to Luxenberg the Qur'an also tells us about Easter and surat al-qadr is really "Christmas in the Qur'an" Do you want to know more?

> (remember your Bible also do not support that)

But our dear Deb your Allah says that al-nasarra harafu al-injiil right mr ignorant? Then why do you quote a corrupted book right our dear Deb so never use the Bible to make a point

> but hey Quran does not tell Jesus is God. You are just showing one example from Quran and trying to intepret it in your own way for justifying it .

Well your masters the Arabs tell us "al-tafseer lel sahaba wa al-ta'weel lel 3ulama/fuqaha/jamee3"

Which means that you or I can guess what the Qur'an must be saying. These are not my words these are the words of your masters the Arabs and if you do not like it then get rid of your Islamic books

The Arabic? Well you know by now that I do not translate Arabic for wannabe Arabs like you

>Remember to be God you must fulfill certain criterias to be God.

Says who?

>Here are four below criterias :1. You must not have any beginning or any end.To make it easy you shall not be born or you shall not die. Does Jesus satisfy that ?

Sure he did not die and your Allah is makkar and he can pretend that Jesus had a beginning but it was all makr! Oh makr? You can ask your Mullah to tell you what it means

Then congratulations our dear Deb but it seems that Jesus is really your Allah

Oh and you still did not answer my question who really created your Allah? Any guesses?

>2. You must not be limited to any particular place in the earth , i.e. you should be able to move everywehre at the earth. Can Jesus do that ?

How do we know that he did not? And Jesus aka Allah being makkar he can be any place now

But wait I just came back from a trip around the word in 80 days does this make me a god too?

Then congratulations our dear deb but the Qur'an says that Jesus must be God aka Allah

>3. You must not be bound by anything that mortals feel bounded to . Jesus supposedly loved his disciples so that is too human , for my viewpoint.

Well Allah loves you too right? and may be because Allah aka Jesus is makkar then he can pretend that he loves when he does not

I'm not the one that describes himself as makkar it is your Allah that says so

>4. You can not be compared to anything on heaven on earth. Allah is incomparable.

Allah? you mean Jesus?

>Can Jesus or any human being for that matter satisfy that ?

He must as the Qur'an is saying that he is really god remember?

Sure what is wrong with that?

2. Jesus did not die and Allah al-makkar (he who decieves) rafa3ahu ila al-sama' which means that yasoo3 al-maseeh aka 3Issa aka Jesus did not die and I'm sure you agree with me that the only one that does not die is god therefore I must conclude that Jesus is your Allah

>My Answer : I have given you my four criterias.

And my answer is the Qur'an is saying according to your criteria that Jesus is your Allah

>If Jesus or anyone for that matter satisfy those criterias then I have no problem in accepting his or her as Allah.

It seems that he does so congratulations our dear deb but Jesus is really your Allah

>3. Jesus cured the leper and the blind and we know for a fact that Jesus was no doctor and 2000 years ago the only one that can do such tasks must be god therefore Jesus must be your Allah

>My Answer : There were multiple faith healers before ,

Faith healers can cure leprosy and blindness? Sobhanallah and more Gods

>during and after the time of Jesus. And there were many doctors during the time of Jesus.Moses made many miracles which were also remarkable. So do you want to tell that Moses was also a God ?

Sure why not the more the better but wait did Musa also create life?

>As per as the miracles of Jesus Moses and other prophets are concerend they were able to perform miracles since Allah wanted them to perform those miracles.

Sure and your Allah cannot spread his little religion without the help of mere mortals like you so your Allah without Muslims would have no power to spread his little religion right our dear Deb?

> They did not have any power over those miracles.

And neither does your Allah have the power to spread islam without Muslims right? which means that your Allah is not even omnipotent right?

4. Allah is makkar therfore he can have aqaneem right? Then Jesus must have been one of his aqaneem! Oh and Jesus cannot be god because of the lame excuse that he ate food right? Well Jesus aka Allah is makkar then he can pretend to eat food when he is not eating right our dear Deb? Then congratulations our dear deb but the qur'an says that jesus is really your Allah

Sorry I'm not the author of this poor theology

>My Answer : You are again interpreting the things in an incorrect way. Allah indeed deceives but he deceives only those who are trying to harm the messengers of Allah. Allah does not need to deceive his loyal servants.

Hello: your Allah describes himself as the biggest makkar oh makkar it means he who decieves

>No where in Quran it is mentioned that Jesus ate to deceive people.

Well let me see

1. Allah is makkar

2. The Qur'an says that Jesus is really must be Allah

3. Therefore Jesus must be makkar

4. And being makkar would mean that he can pretend to eat food when he is not eating

See? your worst enemy is not us kuffar but it is the poor islamic theology that fools like you accept and spread to more ignorant Muslims in India and Pakistan

5. Oh I forgot the Tirnity: Your Allah says that the trinity is Jesus Allah and Mary and that it is wrong right our dear Deb? But wait: Christians tell us that their Trinity is God, Jesus and the holy spirit right? But it seems that Allah never tell us that such Trinity is wrong! So I must assume that your Allah has no difficulty with the Trinity as defined by Christians

>My Answer : Show me the exact chapter in Quran (the translation of Picthall is preferred)

No I do not use translations by another wannbe arab who was stupid enough to be converted to the religion of the arabs by stupid tablighees

wa idha qala allahu ya 3issa ibn maryama inta qulta lel nasi ittakhidhuni wa ummi ilahyan men doon allah

>where it is mentioned that the trinity is Jesus Allah and Mary.

Read the above Arabic and how come you did not know that the Qur'an regerds the trinity as Jesus Allah and Mary? Could it be because you are ignorant or could it be that you hoped that we kuffar do not know? So which one is it?

Hello: you know that I'm right mr fake

Freedom to think and debate is what this great civilization is all about

>My Answer : OKK , remember Gallileo. He used his freedom to think beyond the imaginations of his world and what did your western civilization did to him ?

Oh and he also proved that your Allah's little falt earth is wrong as in

wa al-ard ba3da dhalika dahaha

Your Allah is saying that the earth is flat! What a joke

> Even now look what happens to people in west like Noam Chomsky , Norman Finkelstein

So what happened to them?

> and Tariq Ramadan when they use their freedom to think in the ways they believe is truthful. So much for freedom to think and debate.

Tariq Ramadan's grandfather Hasan el-Bana was a fascist who loved Hitler and wanted to see a "final solution" for what he called the Coptic problem he is a fake

My Answer : Too bad , if I contact some of your friends in the Bible belt that this crusader Dhimmi no more does not care about Jesus , you know what is going to happen to you , right ?

Oh sure go for it and I do challenge you to do so But you know what? You are not even original

>My Answer : Answer me this simple question can you survive in the Bible belt if you deny Jesus ?

Have you ever been to the Bible belt our dear deb?

Vanunu broke the law and here in the west you pay when you break the law

>My Answer : Which law did Vanunu Broke , can you kindly specify. I do not know whether he broke any law. Wait a minute , your ex-president G.W. Dubya lied to the world about WMD-s in Iraq. Now I think telling lies while being the president of the USA is considered breaking the law , right. But nothing happened to him. So what happened to your statement "in the west you pay when you break the law".Wait a minute. I forgot that Vanunu was a non-Askhenaji Jew. Was that the matter that he got jailed for being a non-Askhenaji Jew ?

i'm not interested in a chit chat with a tablighee about the rule of the law

> By your own logic , the founding fathers of the USA are world's biggest imperialists since they annihilated and destroyed the millions of native Americans to build the USA . Now are you ashamed of that ?

Oh sobhanallah a tablighee who worries about al-hunud al-humr

>My Answer : I understand now that you do not have any answers for that. You accept that your founding fathers were the biggest mass murderers in history.

Let me repeat it a tablighee who worries about al-hund al-humr sobhanallah

And it was the muslims that killed 90M of your own people the Hindus remember?

>My Answer : What is the proof of that ? Show me the proof .

One word Durand oh go and write a book and prove him wrong

>Remember the USA alike Greece and Rome are founded on greed , violence and mass murder

My Answer : Hey we are talking about Western Civilization not Arabs right ? Do you accept that Western Civilization was based upon greed , violence and mass murder or not ?

> slave of AIPAC ?

Better than being a slave of CAIR

My Answer : SO , finally you admit that you are an AIPAC slave.

Oh I thought we are all slaves of Allah so is AIPAC also Allah? Oh those pesky Jews ...


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Dear DNM [160 words]Debanjan BanerjeeMay 24, 2010 23:48173058
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More about omar al-farooq [278 words]dhimmi no moreJun 1, 2010 18:09173058
My question to DNM [103 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 3, 2010 00:49173058
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Mongolistan aka pakistan part three [83 words]Muslimk***Jun 4, 2010 06:45173058
Our dear Deb and the etymologies of the words masr,Hindu and Syria [1095 words]dhimmi no moreJun 4, 2010 07:17173058
The saga on Omar al-farooq again [357 words]dhimmi no moreJun 4, 2010 18:44173058
More answer to DNM [322 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 6, 2010 13:31173058
More answer to DNM [714 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 8, 2010 00:13173058
2converted mongols in Hindustan [192 words]Muslimk***Jun 9, 2010 16:30173058
Cherry picking time [1081 words]dhimmi no moreJun 9, 2010 18:43173058
My answer to Muslimkush [433 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 10, 2010 01:05173058
So did Paul Revere exist? [183 words]dhimmi no moreJun 11, 2010 07:12173058
Paul Revere and Omar al-farooq read and laugh [278 words]dhimmi no moreJun 11, 2010 07:42173058
2Mongols in Hindustan [128 words]Muslimk***Jun 11, 2010 14:10173058
This evidence is not enough [134 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 11, 2010 21:27173058
On the question of Indian Muslims [185 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 11, 2010 22:51173058
The Brits are coming... the Brits are coming! Paul Revere and Omar al-Farooq and islamic delusions [1182 words]dhimmi no moreJun 12, 2010 09:17173058
Cherry picking time [611 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 13, 2010 01:18173058
Mongols in Hindustan -part 2 [255 words]Muslimk***Jun 13, 2010 04:41173058
The Brits are coming... the Brits are coming! Paul Revere and Omar al-Farooq and islamic delusions part deux [585 words]dhimmi no moreJun 13, 2010 06:52173058
More delusions from our dear deb and his little interest in paul Revere [307 words]dhimmi no moreJun 13, 2010 14:23173058
1Mongols in Hindustan -part 3 [315 words]Muslimk^^^Jun 14, 2010 14:41173058
Crerry picking time? Really? You are not even original [1512 words]dhimmi no moreJun 17, 2010 07:14173058
Cherry picking time? really? Part deux [53 words]dhimmi no moreJun 17, 2010 07:39173058
More Cherry Picking time - Part 2 [802 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 18, 2010 01:02173058
The Muslim comedy by our dear Deb and argument from age [784 words]dhimmi no moreJun 19, 2010 09:41173058
The Byzantine Church of the Umayyads aka al-masjad al-aqsa [86 words]dhimmi no moreJun 19, 2010 09:46173058
Tamr (dates) picking time and Oh the year of the Hijra [170 words]dhimmi no moreJun 19, 2010 10:11173058
Answer to DNM [129 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 20, 2010 02:08173058
Picking more apples [195 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 20, 2010 02:15173058
1Who is really a Zionist? our dear Deb is saying that anyone who uses CE instead of AD must be a Zionist! [357 words]dhimmi no moreJun 20, 2010 17:49173058
1The Byzantine Church of the Umayyads aka al-masjad al-aqsa part deux [386 words]dhimmi no moreJun 20, 2010 18:09173058
Our dear Deb is comparing tamr wa tareed and you are not even original [168 words]dhimmi no moreJun 20, 2010 18:20173058
It is all in the inscriptions [176 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2010 06:13173058
Our daer Deb is saying that a Zionist is anyone who uses CE instead of AD read and laugh the long version [1556 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2010 06:59173058
My answer to DNM [1356 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 23, 2010 01:04173058
Our dear Deb and Arabian imperialism [455 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2010 06:15173058
Our dear deb and the very long version [2108 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2010 18:30173058
DNM think before you write - Part 1 [435 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 24, 2010 00:15173058
The bogus tawheed in the Sira [209 words]dhimmi no moreJun 24, 2010 06:20173058
41The bogus letters of Muhammad [60 words]dhimmi no moreJun 24, 2010 06:26173058
Reply to DNM [294 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 25, 2010 00:00173058
My Answer to DNM [76 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 25, 2010 00:05173058
My answer to DNM [1876 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 25, 2010 14:17173058
al-Ruum in the Qur'an and our dear Deb [1280 words]dhimmi no moreJun 25, 2010 17:57173058
More islamic comedy and the saga of the letters of Abul Qasim [701 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2010 07:14173058
Our dear Deb: so who really created your Allah and you will find the answer in the sira [434 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2010 07:35173058
The bogus letters of Muhammad and this time his so called letter to the so called al-Muqawqas read and laugh [1717 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2010 10:17173058
The islamic crusades aka Arabian imperialism [756 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2010 15:36173058
More answer to DNM [104 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 27, 2010 00:27173058
More answer to DNM [588 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJun 27, 2010 00:49173058
Worst cannibals in the world [140 words]Muslimk***Jun 27, 2010 05:24173058
Our dear deb and the very long version part deux and ignorance is bliss [1094 words]dhimmi no moreJun 27, 2010 08:12173058
Slight correction [20 words]dhimmi no moreJun 28, 2010 06:48173058
The islamic comedy big time [1324 words]dhimmi no moreJun 28, 2010 20:31173058
Our dear deb has no evidence to support his bogus claim that there were really letters or that the Greeks or the Persians were a threat to Muhammad [269 words]dhimmi no moreJun 29, 2010 06:42173058
Our dear Deb and the saga of the weeper goes on and on [1527 words]dhimmi no moreJun 29, 2010 07:40173058
So why did the Arabs invade Egypt? Were the Egyptians a threat to Muhammad? [59 words]dhimmi no moreJun 29, 2010 08:05173058
My reply to DNM [243 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 2, 2010 23:33173058
More islamic ignorance [366 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2010 18:14173058
And more islamic comedy part trois [2345 words]dhimmi no moreJul 4, 2010 08:29173058
The bogus letters of Muhammad and were the greeks and the Persians a threat to his little sultanate? [200 words]dhimmi no moreJul 5, 2010 06:42173058
Reply to DNM [1412 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 6, 2010 02:21173058
Our dear Deb agrees that the Qur'an says that Jesus is God read and laugh [2722 words]dhimmi no moreJul 6, 2010 20:53173058
Where is your evidence our dear Deb? [503 words]dhimmi no moreJul 7, 2010 07:46173058
Hi DNM [100 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 7, 2010 23:36173058
More to DNM [937 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 8, 2010 00:09173058
Argument from islamophobia! Read and laugh [266 words]dhimmi no moreJul 8, 2010 17:41173058
1The Hindu genocide and those that deny it [1800 words]dhimmi no moreJul 8, 2010 18:39173058
The Qur'an and cosmology! Ptolemaic cosmology in the Qur'an v. Galileo, Copernicus and Kepler [554 words]dhimmi no moreJul 9, 2010 07:06173058
Our dear Deb and his little criteria and Allah [963 words]dhimmi no moreJul 10, 2010 08:13173058
Reply to DNM [608 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 10, 2010 09:57173058
Our dear Deb and his "criteria" and Jesus [643 words]dhimmi no moreJul 10, 2010 15:36173058
Dear DNM [599 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 11, 2010 01:26173058
More deb [1410 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2010 08:31173058
1Is Allah reallyGod? it seems that according to our dear deb's criteria he is not! read and laugh [1523 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2010 17:57173058
Cherry picking time and the muslim mind [276 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2010 18:36173058
More reply to DNM [484 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 14, 2010 04:56173058
More cherry picking with DNM [163 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 15, 2010 02:16173058
1Arab-mongol settlements worse than European settlements [890 words]Muslimk***Jul 15, 2010 14:29173058
our dear deb and on being a munafiq kabeer [1131 words]dhimmi no moreJul 16, 2010 07:33173058
More reply to DNM [586 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 16, 2010 23:23173058
My reply to Muslimkush [1730 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 17, 2010 02:53173058
1Easter in the Qur'an and our dear deb [1386 words]dhimmi no moreJul 17, 2010 07:07173058
My answer to DNM [203 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 17, 2010 22:51173058
Arab-Mongol-persian tribalism and it's aftermath!! [1273 words]Muslimk***Jul 18, 2010 07:34173058
1Our dear Deb al-tablighee and as per islamic theology only Allah can be blamed and not "Jiffy" (sic) [1983 words]dhimmi no moreJul 18, 2010 07:37173058
You can only blame Allah [87 words]dhimmi no moreJul 18, 2010 08:19173058
Our dear deb was not able to get a green card, The US and the his masters the saudi Arabs and other sordid matters [321 words]dhimmi no moreJul 18, 2010 13:54173058
Our dear deb and Arabian imperialism and its victims and in this case Dr. Sayid el-Qimini [260 words]dhimmi no moreJul 18, 2010 17:03173058
Easter in the Qur'an and our dear deb part deux [906 words]dhimmi no moreJul 19, 2010 06:48173058
My reply to DNM [309 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 19, 2010 23:48173058
Reply to DNM [243 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 20, 2010 00:40173058
If Jefferson was indeed a "faggot" then he was in good company [767 words]dhimmi no moreJul 21, 2010 06:58173058
Medieval Muslim tabligee wahabi sect- A source of Knowledge???? [199 words]Muslimk***Jul 21, 2010 08:59173058
Hypocrite Mongol minds need lessons in history [293 words]Muslimk***Jul 21, 2010 09:36173058
Tom Jeffy's pet dog DNM [366 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 23, 2010 12:14173058
1Arab-Mongol-persian tribalism and it's aftermath!! -Part 2 [299 words]Muslimk***Jul 25, 2010 04:55173058
Our dear Deb who has no regards for his Hindu ancestors and charity really starts at home [789 words]dhimmi no moreJul 25, 2010 07:12173058
If Jefferson was indeed a "faggot" then he was in good company part deux [385 words]dhimmi no moreJul 25, 2010 10:28173058
Mr DNM has no answers to my questions [405 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 30, 2010 23:20173058
Our dear Deb who has no regards for his Hindu ancestors and charity really starts at home part deux [950 words]dhimmi no moreAug 1, 2010 07:49173058
Arabised companions in Hindustan [462 words]Muslimk***Aug 1, 2010 09:49173058
Lost tablighees and wannabe Arabs [323 words]dhimmi no moreAug 3, 2010 07:42173058
Arab-Mongol-persian tribalism and it's aftermath!! -Part 3 [103 words]Muslimk***Aug 14, 2010 14:57173058
The real issue here is the American exceptionalism [152 words]Debanjan BanerjeeAug 18, 2010 02:01173058
1The true history [337 words]Thomas BrunswickAug 22, 2010 04:11173058
14ground zero mosque [120 words]TerryAug 22, 2010 06:42173058
3There is really "true history"? [966 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2010 07:30173058
American Exceptionalism And Muslim Imperialism [448 words]Muslimk***Aug 25, 2010 05:07173058
1Information [228 words]ThomasAug 25, 2010 08:19173058
1Information about what? Oh the book of ignorance? [648 words]dhimmi no moreAug 28, 2010 08:33173058
Justifying every crime is a habit and disease infused in Jihadis. [263 words]Ravi RanjanSep 1, 2010 03:18173058
1You can think nothing beyond [48 words]Ravi Ranjan Singh BharatPanthiSep 4, 2010 16:19173058
Scope for Turks [65 words]Ravi RanjanSep 4, 2010 16:33173058
No need to go so far [56 words]Ravi Ranjan Singh BharatPanthiSep 5, 2010 07:40173058
Regular reader [26 words]Sushama DhawaleFeb 18, 2013 14:36173058
Debanjan banerjee...from bengal [80 words]cmtljnpkisvji1683Jun 10, 2014 15:41173058
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf to convert the now-shuttered Burlington Coat Factory into a mosque. [154 words]CarlaMay 17, 2010 17:39172871
Cordoba mosque -an insult to humanity [63 words]Muslimk***Jun 18, 2010 04:51172871
Cordoba House - once capital of the Islamic Caliphate and the expansion of Shariah Law. [177 words]CarlaMay 17, 2010 17:15172864
12Hindus will support building of Jewish Temple at Temple Mount & Christian Church at Haggia Sofia [39 words]vaniMar 16, 2010 14:39170234
3HINDUSTAN [52 words]kumarDec 19, 2007 01:48116502
2Re: Hindustan [56 words]magadhApr 13, 2008 05:55116502
2The word Hindustan is not an Arabic word and our dear magadh needs to stick to Urdu [133 words]dhimmi no moreJun 6, 2010 17:03116502
6Arab Sex [696 words]RamaMar 5, 2007 02:3980252
81Why Islam should have been stamped out from India in 1947 [562 words]SankatFeb 28, 2007 13:5079360
3Islamic aggression in India [485 words]ArvindAug 11, 2005 14:5124578

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