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Writings by Topic: Israel Victory

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85 items listed.


Publication Date
Enriching Palestinians: A Zionist Eccentricity Jerusalem Post August 18, 2024
What Does Haniyeh's Assassination Imply?: Israel has wavered between 'total victory' over Hamas and pursuit of a deal. The strike in Iran may end that argument. Wall Street Journal July 31, 2024
The Uniqueness of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Jerusalem Post July 16, 2024
A Decent Gaza Is Possible: But first, the Palestinians must lose Washington Times June 19, 2024
My Six-Step Plan for a Two-State Solution Boston Globe April 4, 2024
Building a Decent Gaza Middle East Quarterly Spring 2024
Israel's Opportunity to Destroy Hamas: The security establishment has feared engagement in Gaza more than the terror group's rule. Saturday's attack may change that. Wall Street Journal October 7, 2023
Israel's Partial Victory: The Arab States Tiptoed Away (54 comments) Commentary December 2022
About Those Billboards in Israel ...: Letter to the Editor (49 comments) Ha'aretz November 2, 2022
Spelling Out Israel Victory (112 comments) Knesset Israel Victory Caucus August 9, 2022
Can the Koran Solve Israel's Political Impasse? (32 comments) Israel Hayom April 22, 2021
The IDF Opts for Victory (8 comments) Jerusalem Post November 25, 2020
Explaining Israel's Timid Security Establishment (22 comments) Israel Hayom June 27, 2020
Will Arab Anti-Zionism Revive?: The Tunisian Case (10 comments) Jerusalem Post January 6, 2020
Pushing for an Israeli Victory Is the Only Way to End the Conflict with the Palestinians (34 comments) Ha'aretz December 2, 2018
Why Israelis Shy from Victory (72 comments) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2018
Poll: Israel Victory Gains Strength (123 comments) Israel Hayom July 3, 2018
Why Palestinians Need an Israel Victory (82 comments) Australian March 24, 2018
Why Palestinian Delusions Persist (42 comments) Israel Hayom November 13, 2017
Poll: Palestinian Rejectionism is Weakening (11 comments) Israel Hayom August 7, 2017
Poll: Israelis Want Victory (21 comments) Jerusalem Post July 12, 2017
Palestinian Statehood Is Acceptable ... Eventually (29 comments) Israel National News May 21, 2017
Achieving Israel Victory with Martin Sherman (28 comments) Israel National News May 14, 2017
Breaking the Palestinians' Will to Fight (27 comments) Mosaic April 10, 2017
Arguing over "The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat": Letters to the Editor (5 comments) Commentary March 2017
The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat (99 comments) Commentary January 2017
This Is the Moment for an Israeli Victory (26 comments) National Review Online December 31, 2016
A Palestinian Defeat is Good for All (6 comments) JNS.org December 28, 2016
Ending a Century of Palestinian Rejectionism (58 comments) Washington Times October 27, 2015
My Peace Plan: An Israeli Victory (147 comments) National Post April 29, 2010
Peace Process or War Process? (47 comments) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2009
The Palestinian Economy in Shambles: Good (34 comments) Jerusalem Post December 27, 2007
How Israel Can Win (219 comments) New York Sun April 4, 2006
Israel Shuns Victory (166 comments) New York Sun March 28, 2006
Palestinians Don't Deserve Additional Aid (55 comments) New York Sun December 21, 2004
Sharon Loses His Way On Israeli 'Settlements' (21 comments) New York Sun February 10, 2004
Why Oslo's Hopes Turned to Dust (99 comments) New York Post September 9, 2003
Does Israel Need a [Peace] Plan? (67 comments) Commentary February 2003
Israel is Winning (65 comments) New York Post August 6, 2002
Lost Diplomats Just Step on the Gas (23 comments) New York Post May 6, 2002
The Only Solution [for Israel] is Military - II (3 comments) New York Post April 2, 2002
The Only Solution [for Israel] is Military - I (1 comment) New York Post February 25, 2002
Arabs Still Want to Destroy Israel (66 comments) Wall Street Journal January 18, 2002
Arabs Have Never Accepted Israel (1 comment) Wall Street Journal Europe December 3, 2001
Preventing War: Israel's Options Jerusalem Post July 18, 2001
The [Israeli] Left's Ongoing Oslo Delusion Jerusalem Post April 25, 2001
Lift the "Siege" [on the Palestinian Authority]? Jerusalem Post March 14, 2001

Blog Posts

Publication Date
Reactions to "Israel Victory," the Book Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 20, 2024
Post-Oct. 7 Calls for Israel Victory Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 7, 2023
Post-Oct. 7 Statements by Netanyahu Calling for Israel Victory Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 7, 2023
Bibliography – My Writings on Israel Victory (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 26, 2017
Is There a Palestinian People? Can It be Defeated? (24 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 15, 2017
Victory – An Obsolete Concept? (47 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 23, 2009
Zakariya Zubeidi's Crushed Will To Fight (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 4, 2008
Further on Israel's Winning Its War (22 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 4, 2006
Will Prosperity End Palestinian Enmity to Israel? (21 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 28, 2005
No Possible Israeli Military Victory: Victor Davis Hanson Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 15, 2003


Venue Date
Understanding Israeli and Palestinian Mentalities National Review Online August 26, 2024
Aiming for Victory in Gaza Ami Magazine August 21, 2024
Middle East expert: Delegitimization Threat is Existential Arutz Sheva - Israel National News August 14, 2024
Can Israel Achieve Victory? Inside The Epicenter August 13, 2024
Prominent Islam Scholar Doubles Down on Existential Necessity of Israeli Victory in Gaza Times of Israel August 10, 2024
Why Palestinian-Israeli Diplomacy Always Fails and Only an Israeli Victory Will End the Conflict Jüdische Rundschau (Germany) August 2024
Defeating, Not Managing, the Palestinian Threat Michael Medved Show August 1, 2024
Do Not Blame Israeli Mistakes on Americans Endowment for Middle East Truth July 24, 2024
What This Important New Book Proposes The Edwin Black Show July 11, 2024
Israel Victory: A New Approach to Lasting Peace? The Honest Critique (India) July 4, 2024
Victory - Why Is It So Challenging for Israel? Roi Yozevitch Channel July 3, 2024
A decent Gaza is possible, but first the Palestinians must lose Steve Gruber Show July 1, 2024
Who Gains from Israel Victory? FDD Morning Brief July 1, 2024
Can Israel Win the War Without Defeating Its Enemies? Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs June 26, 2024
What Winning Means in Gaza ILTV Israel News June 20, 2024
Middle East Reflections Savvy Street Show June 13, 2024
Hamas Can Be Defeated as ISIS Was Rebel News (Canada) June 12, 2024
Interpreting an Israeli "Total Victory" in Gaza Atlantico Quotidiano April 5, 2024
Israel Must Win Al Jazeera English November 19, 2023
Getting Israel to Victory Middle East Forum May 17, 2023
Corbyn, Sanders, and the Need for Israel Victory (12 comments) Hamodia February 11, 2023
How Can Israel Win the Palestinian Conflict?: Historian Explains (47 comments) Jerusalem Post January 7, 2023
Israel Victory Can Solve the Palestinian Issue (8 comments) Neokohn (Budapest) August 9, 2022
Why Israel Needs to Win (17 comments) Channel 20 September 12, 2021
The Need for Israel Victory (1 comment) Israel Sheli, Jerusalem November 29, 2018
Achieving Peace Through Israeli Victory (29 comments) FrontPageMag January 2, 2018
From the Decline of Islamism to Israel's Victory: A Conversation with Daniel Pipes (1 comment) JBS (Jewish Broadcast Service) October 20, 2016
Negotiations with the Palestinians Keep Failing Because the Arabs Still Think They Can Win: To Prove They Can't, Expert Says, Give War a Chance The Jewish Voice and Opinion April 2004

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