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Reader comment on item: ISIS Imposes a Partial Ban on Burqas

Submitted by Iftikhar Ahmad (United Kingdom), Sep 6, 2016 at 12:04

Stupid;Intrusive and undemocratic Govt of Britain.Where then is the freedom of religion and association and the liberty of individuals which your common laws and constitution guarantees. Hope u aren't telling me that it is all double standard.

Muslim women just seem to be free pickings these days. Can't win either way. Persecuted for being heretics from one side and persecuted for being fundamentalists the other. Just leave women be! If they want to cover their face then make the discussion for restrictions in official places like court, banks, airports etc but otherwise it's no body's concern. I hear people saying it offends them to see a woman in niqab (I've never seen a burka in Uk) but come on, men with buns offend me but I'm not campaigning to make them cut their hair! I'm fed up of men telling us what we are feeling. Patronising twats. I thought us Brits were better than this. I don't tell others what to wear...so never tell me what should I wear, if my choice is Burqa then its up to me..fair enough???? Burkini hasn't got a veil to cover face. Why was that banned in France then?? Another security issue?

Why does everybody, especially on the left, have such a gaping blind spot on this? When you talk about the gender pay gap being down to women's choices they will examine why women have made those choices and look for some chain of micro-discriminations forcing women to choose whatever path they have. And of course cry about patriarchy and oppression. But as soon as the Burqa comes up they throw out the 'woman's choice' argument and that's the end of the story. No examination as to why and no crying of symbolic oppression.

I do not care what people wear, but for security issues especially in the times we live in a face should be seen and not covered if I go into a bank or shop or on the bus I take my sunglasses off same as you would do in an airport it also has the advantage of putting people at ease when talking to someone. Let's face it as humans we see if we like someone or can trust someone by judging expressions. However I do understand how difficult it must be for the women who wear these for whatever reason and so we should try and be inclusive and give them an area in a bank or shop etc with female staff where they would feel comfortable and able to remove the face veil without feeling uncomfortable and conduct their business.

I think that the mistake we are making is that we are allowing those the further right and those of the further left, making arguments for or against this issue and trying to pull society apart but of course that destabilisation is exactly what those who wish our society ill, would want! We are more than capable of finding a solution to this problem by expecting common sense and compromise from EVERYONE because maintaining and keeping balance and stability, is paramount! For some this is an issue about telling women what to wear, for others it is about religious doctrine creating segregation in a western society, where women fought for respect and equality, which was not based on what length their skirt was!! The solution is in there as long as one side, religious or political does not insist on digging their heels in!

Why is it that when men tell women the MUST wear the burka it's oppression, but when men tell women they must NOT wear it, it's a blow for freedom or dome such nonsense? Women (and men, for that matter)n should be free to wear whatever the hell they like. To try to legislate clothing is fundamentally un-British! (And yes, I accept that there are issues with full face coverings in certain situations, but seriously, that's not any excuse for a blanket ban.) Why u guys cant respect one's fundamental rights? Do respect human right . Her life her choice. As much as they are oppressing Muslims, it proofs that only Islam is the true religion nominated by God till the day of judgment. And it also helping the non-Muslims to know more about Islam and study Islam that resulted in increasing number of new Muslims in western countries which make westerns afraid of Islamic culture, that's why they want to ban Islamic culture. Take an example: sister of Tony Blair who became Muslim too.

Papers shouldn't be carrying out polls on this. They should be supporting freedom and democracy and helping people get real about this. If you allow a ban on this, what next. Ban the Mohawk, ban a kilt,.... It doesn't matter.The point is a ban would do more harm than good. What needs correcting is people's beliefs and attitudes. We are a caring nation who are willing to help others be free. Do this right and change who lives here for what they believe, not how they look. Our problem is with those that cannot live by our expectations and law and we don't do enough to make it right. All immigrants who reside in Britain should have to declare some of our beliefs such as treating all people equally ( including women) accepting all religious beliefs however they must tolerate or adapt to our beliefs that everyone is equal. That cannot talk against others but talk of accepting all others. Some will not be able to agree and for that reason, they must be deported for not accepting our law. It's really that simple. Some beliefs are simply incompatible with ours and therefore cannot coexist with us here.

This is from another article agreeing with the banning of Burqas and burkinis...
" In June, Hamburg teachers staged a walk-out during an end-of-term ceremony for students after a Muslim pupil refused to shake the hand of his female class teacher. "No offence," he said, "my religion won't let me do that."" What the author of this article and those teachers may not realise that it is considered offensive to touch a female that is not related to you. So was the pupil was being offensive or not? I don't think so, I think he was being respectful of his female teacher and his own religious and cultural upbringing.

If Muslim women want to wear the Burqa or headscarf it's up to them this is a country where women can wear what they like if we start putting restrictions on Muslim women we just be like France and I don't fancy that. Everybody got a free choice when you live in a democratic country, we live in the UK well everybody's got a free choice. This debate is forced. European governments want us to talk about it to forget the recent attacks. They are making this topic up to please a growing racist society. There are very very few burkas in Europe compared to the amount of Muslim women.

On the 1st of August 1746 Scots were banned from wearing tartan or kilts. Nobody cared so what's the fuss about banning burkas. They want to ban the burka so they can see more skin. It's lust thing. Banning it is hypocrisy of freedom in the UK. People should understand and respect cultural diversity and be able to live in peace and harmony. Burkas have symbolic purpose. The ban is for the sexist obligation, not for the kind of clothing. ENOUGH of this political correctness ridiculous dilemmas!!! What's next?! The fact that the UK wants to ban clothing that symbolises the oppression of women is seen as shocking makes it abundantly clear that we in the West haven't begun to throw off our own misogyny.

I am not debating the reasoning behind wearing a niqab or a burka. I am simply defending a woman's right to cover or uncover. It does not affect you one iota so thank you again for your concern for Muslim women but I don't need you to fight my battle. You scream that we are oppressed yet you are the one doing the oppressing here. If a woman wants to cover then she should be able to do so. Perhaps debate removing it in courts, banks and airports or other official buildings but certainly not on the streets. It is the women who decide to wear it, as an expression of their religion. Anyway they are not seen that often. It is persecution not letting them have freedom to practice their religion. LEAVE THEM ALONE.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (21) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
2ISIS partial ban on Burkha [84 words]PrashantSep 10, 2016 12:02232516
Optimism [56 words]a6zSep 8, 2016 15:17232431
Stop Micromanaging women [168 words]Lynn MSep 7, 2016 14:22232405
Veil, burqa, burkini etc. [24 words]stevenlSep 7, 2016 00:21232373
1Veil, Burqa and Burkini [1000 words]Iftikhar AhmadSep 7, 2016 12:38232373
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Stop wondering why Burkini is protested more than Burkha [126 words]PrashantSep 6, 2016 21:38232370
Facekini [479 words]iftikhar AhmadSep 7, 2016 12:41232370
Human right is a very general term [135 words]PrashantSep 10, 2016 12:37232370
1See, ISIS Really Has Nothing To Do With Islam [173 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
DaveSep 6, 2016 18:53232364
Matters of "more" assaults, "more" time' [66 words]BUSep 6, 2016 18:51232363
WOMEN ARE FIGHTING [69 words]Celine LeducSep 6, 2016 17:06232362
2The Even More Clueless side of "Politically Correct" [96 words]Mike RamirezSep 6, 2016 13:28232354
3Burqa can be compared to Nazi regalia [99 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Michael SSep 6, 2016 12:58232352
Burqa [1431 words]Iftikhar AhmadSep 6, 2016 12:04232345
1Biggest defenders of Muslim womens "right" to wear Burkha are ... [144 words]PrashantSep 7, 2016 07:59232345
2Islamic societies must be obligated to be democratic [295 words]PrashantSep 7, 2016 08:24232345
1Public peace and safety, and the rule of law, are paramount [711 words]Michael S.Sep 7, 2016 08:38232345
1"The Bitter Lament of a Muslim Woman" [2630 words]Mike RamirezSep 7, 2016 14:09232345

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