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Time to employ Jean-Cristophe's law: Criminalize Arab-Islamic racist anti-Israel "apartheid/racism" slur

Reader comment on item: Extremists on Campus
in response to reader comment: In Canada, there is an " Israeli Apartheid Week" a university hate fest, 6 years running . . . Mar 2010

Submitted by Maria (United States), Mar 15, 2011 at 18:21

Time to employ Jean-Cristophe's law: Criminalize Arab-Islamic racist anti-Israel "apartheid/racism" slur

Some facts:

    Israel's still the only true democracy in the Middle East.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] Even "apartheid- slur" promoter (paid by the Arab lobby[9]): Jimmy Carter admitted: "I recognize that Israel is a wonderful democracy with freedom of speech and equality of treatment under the law between Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis." [10]
    Preferential treatment for Arabs, Muslims in Israel, often as "first class citizens" is a routine. There was already a title printed in an American newspaper in 1968: Arabs Treated As First Class Citizens In Israel [11] The wide range includes: Subsidized housing[12] Land issues, especially favoring Arab' rights in disputes with Jews.[13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] In court (broader issues),[21][22][23][24] In Voting, parties' participation in the election process. [25][26][27] In employment - affirmative action.[28][29][30][31][32] Quotas in academia.[33][34][35][36] In Media freedom.[37][38][39][40] Access to holy sites.[41][42][43]
  • 'RACIST' M.E
    A poll of the 'racist Arab-Islamic Middle East' finds, 90% are anti-Jewish.[44]
    Usage of "racism" and "apartheid" slurs as justification for real racism and genocide:

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who denies the first Holocaust[45] and threatens a new on in wiping off Jews, genocide,[46] has used the Arab racist "anti-racism"[47] Durban conference to damn Israel with the fake "racism" charge. The West protested it.[48] This Islamic leader, who advocates a 'New Holocaust' was -appropriately- termed 'Hitler,' worldwide.[49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76]

    Those openly call for annihilation of Jews, like Arab "Palestinian" terrorist organization/Islamic regime in Gaza, Hamas[77][78][79][80][81] [82] and Islamic Republic of Iran's terrorist organization: Hezbollah [83] [84] [85] [86] [87]use these slurs regularly. Even "moderate" Fatah who "accuses" Israel in this terminology, has promoted annihilation.[88]

    At the outcry of a brutal massacre by Arab-Muslim Palestinians of a Jewish family while asleep in Itamar, Israel (March, 2011), where a baby's throat was slashed, the cause for such crimes was raised, 'Palestinian Authority incitement against Jews': "Palestinian incitement: Jews receive 'Der Stürmer' depiction," leading for the "Atmosphere for terror," Israel said: "The world must call on the Palestinians to put a stop to the incitement. When Abbas chooses a band calling for the annihilation of Jews to play at festivals, then how can you even dream of reaching an agreement?"[89]


  1. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=atUyhdQv1YIC&pg=PA81
  2. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=NnnysOf9t38C&pg=PA23762
  3. ^ http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/kerry.html
  4. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=vWBxXUEZ13EC&pg=PA50-IA433
  5. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=w6FtAAAAMAAJ&dq=vigorous
  6. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=HonVUmCeVDQC&pg=PA59
  7. ^ http://blog.heritage.org/2011/02/04/democracy-and-economic-freedom-an-unbeatable-combination-for-the-middle-east/
  8. ^ http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/02/01/ap/congress/main7305529.shtml
  9. ^ http://politics.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474976879837
  10. ^ http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0612/12/acd.02.html
  11. ^ http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1368&dat=19680719&id=A9AVAAAAIBAJ&sjid=YxEEAAAAIBAJ&pg=2591,3745678
  12. ^ http://www.camera.org/index.asp?x_context=8&x_nameinnews=118&x_article=198
  13. ^ http://www.jnewswire.com/article/2587
  14. ^ http://web.israelinsider.com/Views/5946.htm
  15. ^ http://www.jnewswire.com/article/2562
  16. ^ http://www.think-israel.org/nov05bloged.html#nov05.160
  17. ^ http://www.ourjerusalem.com/action/story/protest-against-the-pogrom-in-amona.html
  18. ^ http://web.israelinsider.com/Views/5345.htm
  19. ^ http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/127279
  20. ^ http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=19799
  21. ^ http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=13590
  22. ^ http://www.honestreporting.com/articles/critiques/Fence_Rulings_Democracy_in_Action.asp
  23. ^ http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/talking/24_fence.html
  24. ^ http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/22/opinion/22kristof.html?_r=1
  25. ^ http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/myths/mf18.html
  26. ^ http://www.think-israel.org/shifftan.voting.html
  27. ^ http://www.jewcy.com/post/israeli_high_court_decides_favor_arab_parties
  28. ^ http://www.standwithus.org/HOT_TOPICS/?type=bytopic&TID=4
  29. ^ http://www.sazionism.co.za/index.php/frequently-asked-questions/hot-topics/188-israeli-arabs
  30. ^ http://haaretz.com/hasen/spages/922037.html
  31. ^ http://www.sikkuy.org.il/english/docs/etinger1.doc
  32. ^ http://www.israpundit.com/archives/2004/01/apartheid_israe.php
  33. ^ http://www.freeman.org/m_online/feb04/plaut.htm
  34. ^ http://www.worldjewishnewsagency.org/steven_plaut_apr06.htm
  35. ^ http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/6670
  36. ^ http://www.dafka.org/news/index.php?pid=4&id=173
  37. ^ http://english.katif.net/index.php?id=1345&sub=2
  38. ^ http://mideastoutpost.com/archives/000372.html
  39. ^ http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/2904
  40. ^ http://www.primechoice.com/philosophy/shelp/speechisrael.htm
  41. ^ http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti-semitism/relot10.html
  42. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=UYgs36zk8MwC&pg=PA78
  43. ^ http://www.ourjerusalem.com/ourjerusalem/story/oj20040728.html
  44. ^ http://www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?id=168176
  45. ^ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4527142.stm
  46. ^ http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2006/dec/13/secondworldwar.iran
  47. ^ http://www.forbes.com/2008/12/03/racism-durban-conference-oped-cx_cr_1204rosett.html
  48. ^ http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article6132972.ec
  49. ^ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3991029,00.html
  50. ^ http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/29/world/middleeast/29iran.html?pagewanted=2
  51. ^ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1333879/WikiLeaks-terrorists-says-leading-US-congressman-Peter-King.html
  52. ^ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/8166248/WikiLeaks-US-referred-to-Mahmoud-Ahmadinejad-as-Hitler.html
  53. ^ http://www.jpost.com/IranianThreat/News/Article.aspx?id=170528
  54. ^ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3427247,00.html
  55. ^ http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/during-visit-berlusconi-draws-parallel-between-ahmadinejad-and-hitler-1.262576
  56. ^ http://www.ejpress.org/article/news/30448
  57. ^ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rabbi-abraham-cooper/from-hitler-to-ahmadineja_b_432739.html
  58. ^ http://www.haaretz.com/news/peres-to-obama-no-choice-but-to-compare-iran-to-nazis-1.275427
  59. ^ http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/article727156.ece
  60. ^ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1054236/Iran-protest-Israeli-minister-says-Yes-ok-kidnap-Ahmadinejad.html
  61. ^ http://archive.gulfnews.com/indepth/irancrisis/more_stories/10016391.html
  62. ^ http://www.iranfocus.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=8695
  63. ^ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3245121,00.html
  64. ^ http://www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=50444
  65. ^ http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2007/4/27/80931.shtml
  66. ^ http://www.memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Area=ia&ID=IA27706&Page=archives
  67. ^ http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/173597.php
  68. ^ http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2006/1/25/100038.shtml
  69. ^ http://www.gmanews.tv/story/8104/Jewish-leader-calls-Irans-Ahmadinejad-a-2nd-Hitler
  70. ^ http://www.israelnewsagency.com/iranahmadinejadcolumbianewyorkisraelfreedomspeechincitementadlhitler48092307.html
  71. ^ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/04/AR2006050401458.html?sub=AR
  72. ^ http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article6142841.ece
  73. ^ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/5195326/Israel-pledges-to-protect-itself-from-new-Holocaust-threat-posed-by-Irans-nuclear-programme.html
  74. ^ http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=18630
  75. ^ http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysis/Article/542707/201008041846/Another-Ahmadinejad-Hitler-Parallel.aspx
  76. ^ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3427247,00.html
  77. ^ http://domino.un.org/UNISPAL.nsf/db942872b9eae454852560f6005a76fb/11e6e80dc7ae0e1a85256ccd006f7ee6!OpenDocument
  78. ^ http://www.haaretz.com/news/hamas-suicide-bombers-videotape-we-drink-jews-blood-1.180181
  79. ^ http://www.jnewswire.com/article/1932
  80. ^ http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/1877.htm
  81. ^ http://www.likud.nl/extr468.html
  82. ^ http://www.pmw.org.il/tv%20part6.html
  83. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=l8jlj2oYtgsC&pg=PA49
  84. ^ http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/ENGLISH/IRAN/PDF/JUNE_03.PDF
  85. ^ http://www.jcpa.org/brief/brief2-12.htm
  86. ^ "jewish-targets"-renewing-hezbollah's-jihad-genocide/ http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2008/06/21/global-"jewish-targets"-renewing-hezbollah's-jihad-genocide/
  87. ^ http://www.boston.com/news/world/middleeast/articles/2006/08/08/death_and_destruction_are_hezbollahs_goals/
  88. ^ http://www.zoa.org/sitedocuments/pressrelease_view.asp?pressreleaseID=1809
  89. ^ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4041358,00.html

Aftershock: anti-zionism and anti-semitism, David Matas, Dundurn Press Ltd., 2005, p. 54

The charge of apartheid against Israel is so defamatory and harmful that Jean- Christophe Rufin, in a report to the French Ministry of Interior, recommended that it be criminalized. He wrote:

Certainly, there is no question of penalising political opinions that are critical, for example, of any government and are perfectly legitimate. What should be penalised is the perverse and defamatory use of the charge of racism against those very people who were victims of racism to an unparallaed degree. The accusation sof racism, of apartheid, of Nazism carry extremely grave moral implications. These accusations have, in the situation in which we find ourselves today, major consequences which can, by contagion, put in danger the lives of our Jewish citizens. It is legitimate to require by law that these accusations are not made lightly. It is why we invite reflection on the advisability and applicability of a law... which would permit the punishment of those who make without foundation against groups, institutions or states accusations of racism and utilise for these accusations unjustified comparisons with apartheid or Nazism.


Center Field: Treat the apartheid slur - the "A-word" - like the "N-word"

Posted by Gil Troy
[Tuesday Aug 25, 2009]

Since Neve Gordon published his controversial Los Angeles Times op-ed "Boycott Israel" on August 20, critics have called for officials at Ben Gurion University, his academic home, to punish him or to risk losing donations.

Cutting donations to a university because of an outspoken professor or suspending that professor for his views is as shortsighted and self-destructive as an Israeli citizen endorsing a boycott of his own country. Maybe I am perverse, but I relish these moments to demonstrate that Israel has freedom of speech and Israeli campuses have academic freedom - unlike their neighbors.

At the same time, it is important to denounce Gordon and others for perpetuating the apartheid smear against Israel. Everyone who cares about peace in the Middle East and truth in the world must stop making the false comparisons between the difficult national conflict pitting Israelis against Palestinians and the ugly racist regime that discriminated against South Africans of color for decades.

In his article, Gordon proclaims: "The most accurate way to describe Israel today is as an apartheid state." This may be the trendiest, most politically correct, and most demeaning way to describe Israel today, but for a professor of politics to claim that it is "the most accurate way" is absurd. The unconscionable, inaccurate apartheid label insults anyone who supports the modern Jewish state of Israel as well as everyone who suffered under South Africa's evil apartheid system.

Apartheid was a racist legal system the Afrikaner Nationalists dominating South Africa's government imposed after World War II. The Afrikaners' discriminatory policies began with their racist revulsion for blacks, reflected in early laws in 1949 and 1950 prohibiting marriages and sexual relations between whites and non-whites. Apartheid quickly developed into a brutal system that attempted to dehumanize South Africa's majority nonwhite population.

Beyond the historical definition, international law emphasizes that apartheid involves intentional, mandated racism. In 1973 the United Nations General Assembly defined apartheid as "the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them."

The fact that Israel's Declaration of Independence - and founding document - promises to "uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of race, creed or sex," proves that Israel rejects racism and by definition cannot be accused of apartheid.

Injecting "racism" into the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a sloppy attempt to slander Israel with the accusation du jour. It is a statement as trendy and unhistorical as equating Zionism with European colonialism, another folly given Jews' historic ties to the land of Israel. Since the Nazi attempt to annihilate Jews as a "race," the Jewish world has recoiled against defining Jews as a "race."

Zionism talks about Judaism, the Jewish people, the Jewish state. The Arab-Israeli conflict is a nationalist clash with religious overtones. The rainbow of colors among Israelis and Palestinians, with black Ethiopian Jews, and white Christian Palestinians, proves that both national communities are diverse.

In a world organized by nation states, singling out Jewish nationalism, meaning Zionism, as racist is so ridiculous even the United Nations ultimately rescinded its infamous 1975 resolution. The application of the apartheid label is an attempt to ostracize Israel by misrepresenting some of the difficult decisions Israel has felt forced to make in fighting Palestinian terror. Israel's opponents are trying to transfer onto Israel the civilized world's justifiable contempt for South African oppression.

This charge is particularly ironic coming from so many Arab states, which perpetuate discriminatory citizenship policies against Christians, women, gays and even other Arabs from different regions. But the charge is particularly insidious because it is the centerpiece of the current attempt to demonize Zionism and eradicate Israel. Anyone who claims to be unaware that apartheid is a loaded term forfeits all credibility on the subject of the Middle East and Africa.

Unfortunately, Neve Gordon is not the only Israeli to use the "A-word." It has entered the conversational midstream. Even when someone from the center says "I oppose a particular policy because I fear it would then make Israel an 'apartheid state,'" the ugly linkage between Israel and the "A-word" is reinforced.

I do not believe in government sanctions, but I do believe in shunning. People who use the "A-word" in casual conversation or in formal discourse should be named and shamed for insulting Israel, South Africa, and their audience with historically inaccurate demagoguery that slanders the Jewish people.

In the United States, people no longer use the "N-word," the derogatory term for blacks that once was ubiquitous in American discourse. Americans acknowledge the slur's emotional power and the lingering scars from its widespread use. We should start avoiding the "A-word" and confronting those who use it - before it is too late.

The Apartheid PropagandaAug 28, 2004 ... The "Zionism is apartheid" propaganda is also used to justify Palestinian terrorist attacks ... these differences are also unrelated to the political rhetoric of "apartheid. .... Anti-Globalization: The New Anti-Semitism ...

Debunking the Apartheid Analogy
Debunking the Apartheid Comparison

"However potent the Israel-apartheid analogy, few of those who suffered from apartheid directly have bought into it … One reason is that the equivalence simply isn't true..."
Rhoda Kadalie,
former anti-Apartheid activist who was deemed "Colored" by the racist South Africa regime.
The comparison between the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and apartheid South Africa has become commonplace. Not only is this a false analogy, but it as insulting to the victims of apartheid in South Africa and is as disrespectful to history as using the Holocaust analogy falsely. The situation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict differs on many levels to that which happened in South Africa prior to 1994
The Israel Apartheid Week on campuses in North America and now throughout the world, is one such example of this. The type of malicious propaganda espoused in this forum needs to be confronted, debunked and discredited.
Why the Apartheid Analogy is False
Israel is a Champion of Human Rights in the Middle East
The Origins and History of the Apartheid Analogy - The "Durban Strategy"
Why the Apartheid Comparison Reeks of Antisemitism.... espousing the Apartheid analogy reveals hateful propaganda behind the mask of liberal rhetoric, ...

The Campaign to Delegitimize Israel with the False Charge of Apartheidby
R Sabel - 2009 Israel is not an Apartheid state....Arab citizens of Israel can vote and ..... Benjamin Pogrund, "Why They Depict Israel as a Chamber Benjamin Pogrund: (Benjamin Pogrund is well equipped to write about apartheid and Israel. He was born in South Africa, where a leader in the fight against apartheid and outspoken proponent of equality as editor of the Rand Daily Mail.) Israel is a democracy in which Arabs vote - Not an apartheid state

Sadly, the issue runs much deeper. Israel today faces an onslaught of propaganda aimed at delegitimizing it. This week is bring "celebrated" as Israeli Apartheid Week on campuses worldwide, spreading lies and slander, promoting incitement and hatred. The media is a key tool – if not a willing accomplice – to this strategy. The manipulation of the rhetoric by human rights groups is all too often typeset in the media, and thus chiseled into history. Massacres are proclaimed where there have been none; terrorists hidden behind civilians remain hidden from the public eye.
These myths become widespread on the blogosphere, with groups on Facebook, threads on Twitter and countless videos on YouTube forming the basis of a digital pogrom against the Jewish narrative, whereby social media and on-line networking are employed to make the demonization of Israel part and parcel of mainstream discourse.
The Jerusalem Post's Editor-in-Chief David Horovitz, when addressing a meeting in Jerusalem last week, noted that two areas where the issue of boycotting has been most prevalent have been journalism and academia – the two most essential channels of communication and understanding.
Even the most senior journalists are now attacked for being part of Israel's daily existence or even for simply being Jewish; the harassment of New York Times bureau chief in Israel Ethan Bronner being the most notable, yet not the only, such incident.
This isolation and demonization of Israel as a pariah state or an international outlaw reflects a concerted effort to cast it as being beyond the pale. As the echoes of the past color the dark shadows of the future, we see an attempt to cast the Jewish people into a "virtual" ghetto, ethnically cleansing the Jewish narrative from the legitimate international debate on the Middle East.
This process of delegitimization is an affront to freedom of speech and freedom of the press – fundamental rights in a democracy.
Zionism itself was conceived by a journalist who looked at the world around him and saw that without a new reality, Jews would no longer be able to speak out.
Today Israel has a free press; the government provides services and accreditation for the foreign media – even those who choose to report in the most biased and slanted manner. There are, of course, journalists who carry out their duties in a fully professional way. They give due consideration to both the Israeli and the Palestinian argument, and inform their public accordingly.

... In another disgusting bout of anti-Israeli racism, ...

antisemitism: Racism as anti-racism in UK anti-apartheid week 15 Feb 2008 ... Antisemitism in Britain: Racism is being portrayed as anti-racism in ... At one of these universities, security - tipped off by a concerned ... again charges of 'Zionism equals racism,' accusations of Israel of being an ...

Israeli Apartheid Week 10 Mar 2010 ... Students handed out fliers that described Israel 's security fence .... Chants of "Israel is an apartheid state; Israel is a racist state" ...

Obama Silent on PA Racism... Charges of racism and apartheid against Israel by PA officials need to be stamped out once and for all.

Guardian Promotes Apartheid Slur - Guardian Promotes Apartheid Slur. The Guardian publishes a lengthy two-part feature comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa. ...

The "Israel Apartheid" Lie - The "apartheid" slur is just another way for Israel"s enemies to try to delegitimize and undermine the Jewish state by comparing its self-defense measures ...

Calling Israel's occupation 'apartheid' is not only wrong but thoughtless...
The labeling is wrong because the situations are entirely different. Apartheid in South Africa, from 1948 until 1994, was a unique system of racial separation and discrimination, institutionalized by law and custom in every aspect of everyday life, imposed by the white minority and based on a belief in white racial superiority. Skin color decreed inferior status from birth until death for blacks, Asians and "mixed-race" coloreds. In contrast, West Bank oppression is not based on a predetermined racist ideology. It stems rather from historical factors such as Jordan's attack during the 1967 war and the resulting Israeli conquest of the West Bank. From that, the settlement movement has developed because of a mixture of religious messianism, economic... and security claims...

Israel and the apartheid lie

Michael Kinsley - It"s Not Apartheid - washingtonpost.com 11 Dec 2006 ... Jimmy Carter"s comparison of Israel to South Africa"s former racist ... with a new best-selling book, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.

The poisonous myth of "Israeli apartheid"

Aftershock: anti-zionism and anti-semitism - Page 58 David Matas - [Dundurn Press Ltd.,] 2005 - 256 pages - Preview
The Israeli Law of Return considers a person as Jewish if the person has become converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion. Judaism is a religion that anyone can join. Judaism does not proselytize, but it does accept converets. It is impossible to call a law racist when anyone who chooses to convert to Judaism can take advantage of the law.
Race is sometimes identified with colour. Yet Jews come in every colour. There are black Jews, Falashas, who were granted the benefit of the Law of Return and indeed were airlifted from Ethiopia to Israel by the Israeli government. It is impossible to consider a law racist that encompasses all races.
Every citizenship law of which I am aware allows parents to pass on their citizenship to their children. For instance, a child born of a Canadian parent is Canadian, no matter where in the world the child is born. The child can maintain Canadian citizenship throughout his or her life without ever entering Canada, provided that the person establishes a substantial connection with Canada. A citizenship law cannot be racist simply because it is based on birth.
The basic law of Germany allows anyone to become a citizen who is the descendant of a person who was a German citizen and was deprived of that citizenship on political, racial, or religious grounds between January 30, 1933, and May 8, 1945. The person does not have to be a first-generation descendant. This German law is itself informally called a Law of Return. No United Nations resolution has ever suggested that this German Law of Return is racist.
The Israeli Law of Return distinguishes between those who are Jewish and not Jewish, but does not discriminate against those who are not Jewish. Not every legal distinction amounts to discrimination. A prohibition against discrimination does not encompass any law that has as its object improving the lot of the disadvantaged, including those disadvantaged beacuse of race or religion.
The Israeli Law of Return exists as a protection against the racism Jews have suffered and continue to suffer. The law is a form of affirmative action, affirming that Jews who are at risk elsewhere around the world can seek and obtain protection in Israel. In principle, every person who is the victim of antisemitic discrimination should be considered Jewish under the Law of Return, whether the person has any cultural or religious ties with Judaism or not. If racists target a person as Jewish, then a law and a state created to protect Jews should offer protection to that person. Offering protection to the victims of racism does not make the helpers racist. Acknowledging the existence of racism and the need to defend against it is the antithesis of racism.
The Law of Return includes in its definition of a Jew every person who was born of a Jewish mother. The law further provides that the rights of a Jew are vested in a child and a grandchild of a Jew, the spouse of a Jew, the spouse of a grandchild of
[p. 59] a Jew.
... The Jewish community has learned through bitter experience which people are likely to be targeted by antisemites for hatred and destruction. The State of Israel, accordingly, through the Law of Return, offers protection to all such people. It confounds logic, language, and common sense to argue that a law designed to protect targets of racist persecution is itself racist.
Calling the Israeli Law of Return racist means rejecting the notion that Jews have been disadvantaged and, in many countries, are still disadvantaged. This sort of labelling is Holocaust denial or Holocaust trivialization...

Zionism Is Not Racism

Zionism is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, which holds that Jews, like any other nation, are entitled to a homeland.

History has demonstrated the need to ensure Jewish security through a national homeland. Zionism recognizes that Jewishness is defined by shared origin, religion, culture and history.

The realization of the Zionist dream is exemplified by more than four million Jews, from more than 100 countries, including dark-skinned Jews from Ethiopia, Yemen and India, who are Israeli citizens. Approximately 1,000,000 Muslim and Christian Arabs, Druze, Baha'is, Circassians and other ethnic groups also are represented in Israel's population.

Many Christians have traditionally supported the goals and ideals of Zionism. Israel's open and democratic character and its scrupulous protection of the religious and political rights of Christians and Muslims rebut the charge of exclusivity.

The Arab states define citizenship strictly by native parentage. It is almost impossible to become a naturalized citizen in many Arab states, especially Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Several Arab nations have laws that facilitate the naturalization of foreign Arabs, with the specific exception of Palestinians. Jordan, on the other hand, instituted its own "law of return" in 1954, according citizenship to all former residents of Palestine, except for Jews.

The presence of thousands of black Jews in Israel is the best refutation of the calumny against Zionism. In a series of historic airlifts, labeled Moses (1984), Joshua (1985) and Solomon (1991), Israel rescued almost 42,000 members of the ancient Ethiopian Jewish community.

To single out Jewish self-determination for condemnation is itself a form of racism. "A world that closed its doors to Jews who sought escape from Hitler's ovens lacks the moral standing to complain about Israel's giving preference to Jews," wrote noted civil rights lawyer Alan Dershowitz.

When approached by a student who attacked Zionism, Martin Luther King responded: "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism."

The 1975 UN resolution was part of the Soviet-Arab Cold War anti-Israel campaign. Almost all the former non-Arab supporters of the resolution have apologized and changed their positions. When the General Assembly voted to repeal the resolution in 1991, only some Arab and Muslim states, as well as Cuba, North Korea and Vietnam were opposed.

Responses to the Anti-Israel Left and Arab Rejectionists

Why Israel is not an apartheid, racist state

Sam Fleischacker
February 5, 2002

[...] the fact that Israeli governments do some bad things to Arabs does no more to prove that Israel is "based on" racism, let alone that it is an apartheid state, than the fact that the US engages in racial profiling proves that *it* is (now) based on racism and an apartheid state. It's hard to find a country that

doesn't engage in some racist policies (England, France, and Germany certainly do, to say nothing of practically every nation in Africa and Asia: one example is Malaysia's official discrimination against the Chinese and Indians who make up 50% of its population). When people say that Israel is "based on" racism, or that it is a "criminal" state, they usually mean something more fundamental: that there is no justification for there being a Jewish state at all. That, in my opinion, is itself an extremely racist view, based on hatred of or contempt for Jews, although it is often expressed by people who simply don't really know what they are saying.
1) Israeli Arabs have voting rights, and a full range of other civil and political rights, and there are no "anti-miscegenation" laws, or other policies of racial segregation. So the apartheid claim is simply false.

2) The sense in which Israel is "Jewish" is essentially two-fold: Jews are favored in immigration, and the state represents Jewish culture in its flag, official holiday calendar, and some of the cultural programming it underwrites. Practically every nation in the world has some kind of similar favoritism in its immigration policy: ethnic Germans, who have lived for generations outside Germany, have a "right of return" to Germany; English-speaking people are favored to enter England, (and I think, the US, Canada, and Australia); only ethnically Dutch people can become Dutch citizens, etc. As for the representation of Judaism in the public square: one glance at the flags of Norway, Sweden, or Denmark demonstrates that many liberal countries are not at all shy about proclaiming themselves officially "Christian." Britain has not one but *two* crosses in its flag. Britain and Sweden both have official churches, and for a long time it was true, and still remains somewhat true, that you can't "really" be British or Swedish without also being Anglican or Lutheran. Saudi Arabia has a crescent on its flag, and is of course very loudly Islamic; so is Iran, and Pakistan was formed to be a home for (Indian) Muslims, as Israel was to be a home for Jews.
Many countries, perhaps most, indeed do far more to promote Christianity or Islam (or Buddhism, in the cases of Burma, Thailand, and Sri Lanka) than Israel does for Judaism.
Christmas is on the official calendar of most Christian countries, and in several (Poland, Ireland) it is difficult or impossible for politicians to defy the Church's teachings on many subjects. So: it is entirely untrue that Israel is the only country "based on" religion or ethnicity. If Israel is racist, so are Britain and Sweden and Pakistan and Thailand, among many, many others. And, given this widespread preference for ethnicities and religions other than Judaism, it is hard for many Jews to find a home outside of Israel.
Someone who proclaims Israel to be basically racist is essentially just saying that they think the ethnic and religious identity of Jews doesn't matter - while the ethnic and religious identity of Germans, Anglicans, Indian Muslims, etc. all do matter. And that is anti-semitism: the racist hatred of or contempt for Jews.

By the way, the old PLO "one-state" line never did call for a strictly "secular, democratic state." It called for an "*Arab*, secular, democratic state." That's just as ethnically limited as a Jewish state.

- Sam Fleischacker
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
University of Illinois, Chicago

Aftershock: anti-zionism and anti-semitism - Page 58 David Matas - [Dundurn Press Ltd.,] 2005 - 256 pages - Preview
The Israeli Law of Return considers a person as Jewish if the person has become converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion. Judaism is a religion that anyone can join. Judaism does not proselytize, but it does accept converets. It is impossible to call a law racist when anyone who chooses to convert to Judaism can take advantage of the law.
Race is sometimes identified with colour. Yet Jews come in every colour. There are black Jews, Falashas, who were granted the benefit of the Law of Return and indeed were airlifted from Ethiopia to Israel by the Israeli government. It is impossible to consider a law racist that encompasses all races.
Every citizenship law of which I am aware allows parents to pass on their citizenship to their children. For instance, a child born of a Canadian parent is Canadian, no matter where in the world the child is born. The child can maintain Canadian citizenship throughout his or her life without ever entering Canada, provided that the person establishes a substantial connection with Canada. A citizenship law cannot be racist simply because it is based on birth.
The basic law of Germany allows anyone to become a citizen who is the descendant of a person who was a German citizen and was deprived of that citizenship on political, racial, or religious grounds between January 30, 1933, and May 8, 1945. The person does not have to be a first-generation descendant. This German law is itself informally called a Law of Return. No United Nations resolution has ever suggested that this German Law of Return is racist.
The Israeli Law of Return distinguishes between those who are Jewish and not Jewish, but does not discriminate against those who are not Jewish. Not every legal distinction amounts to discrimination. A prohibition against discrimination does not encompass any law that has as its object improving the lot of the disadvantaged, including those disadvantaged beacuse of race or religion.
The Israeli Law of Return exists as a protection against the racism Jews have suffered and continue to suffer. The law is a form of affirmative action, affirming that Jews who are at risk elsewhere around the world can seek and obtain protection in Israel. In principle, every person who is the victim of antisemitic discrimination should be considered Jewish under the Law of Return, whether the person has any cultural or religious ties with Judaism or not. If racists target a person as Jewish, then a law and a state created to protect Jews should offer protection to that person. Offering protection to the victims of racism does not make the helpers racist. Acknowledging the existence of racism and the need to defend against it is the antithesis of racism.
The Law of Return includes in its definition of a Jew every person who was born of a Jewish mother. The law further provides that the rights of a Jew are vested in a child and a grandchild of a Jew, the spouse of a Jew, the spouse of a grandchild of
[p. 59] a Jew.
... The Jewish community has learned through bitter experience which people are likely to be targeted by antisemites for hatred and destruction. The State of Israel, accordingly, through the Law of Return, offers protection to all such people. It confounds logic, language, and common sense to argue that a law designed to protect targets of racist persecution is itself racist.
Calling the Israeli Law of Return racist means rejecting the notion that Jews have been disadvantaged and, in many countries, are still disadvantaged. This sort of labelling is Holocaust denial or Holocaust trivialization...

Zionism Is Not Racism

Zionism is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, which holds that Jews, like any other nation, are entitled to a homeland.

History has demonstrated the need to ensure Jewish security through a national homeland. Zionism recognizes that Jewishness is defined by shared origin, religion, culture and history.

The realization of the Zionist dream is exemplified by more than four million Jews, from more than 100 countries, including dark-skinned Jews from Ethiopia, Yemen and India, who are Israeli citizens. Approximately 1,000,000 Muslim and Christian Arabs, Druze, Baha'is, Circassians and other ethnic groups also are represented in Israel's population.

Many Christians have traditionally supported the goals and ideals of Zionism. Israel's open and democratic character and its scrupulous protection of the religious and political rights of Christians and Muslims rebut the charge of exclusivity.

The Arab states define citizenship strictly by native parentage. It is almost impossible to become a naturalized citizen in many Arab states, especially Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Several Arab nations have laws that facilitate the naturalization of foreign Arabs, with the specific exception of Palestinians. Jordan, on the other hand, instituted its own "law of return" in 1954, according citizenship to all former residents of Palestine, except for Jews.

The presence of thousands of black Jews in Israel is the best refutation of the calumny against Zionism. In a series of historic airlifts, labeled Moses (1984), Joshua (1985) and Solomon (1991), Israel rescued almost 42,000 members of the ancient Ethiopian Jewish community.

To single out Jewish self-determination for condemnation is itself a form of racism. "A world that closed its doors to Jews who sought escape from Hitler's ovens lacks the moral standing to complain about Israel's giving preference to Jews," wrote noted civil rights lawyer Alan Dershowitz.

When approached by a student who attacked Zionism, Martin Luther King responded: "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism."

The 1975 UN resolution was part of the Soviet-Arab Cold War anti-Israel campaign. Almost all the former non-Arab supporters of the resolution have apologized and changed their positions. When the General Assembly voted to repeal the resolution in 1991, only some Arab and Muslim states, as well as Cuba, North Korea and Vietnam were opposed.

Responses to the Anti-Israel Left and Arab Rejectionists

Why Israel is not an apartheid, racist state

Sam Fleischacker
February 5, 2002

[...] the fact that Israeli governments do some bad things to Arabs does no more to prove that Israel is "based on" racism, let alone that it is an apartheid state, than the fact that the US engages in racial profiling proves that *it* is (now) based on racism and an apartheid state. It's hard to find a country that

doesn't engage in some racist policies (England, France, and Germany certainly do, to say nothing of practically every nation in Africa and Asia: one example is Malaysia's official discrimination against the Chinese and Indians who make up 50% of its population). When people say that Israel is "based on" racism, or that it is a "criminal" state, they usually mean something more fundamental: that there is no justification for there being a Jewish state at all. That, in my opinion, is itself an extremely racist view, based on hatred of or contempt for Jews, although it is often expressed by people who simply don't really know what they are saying.
1) Israeli Arabs have voting rights, and a full range of other civil and political rights, and there are no "anti-miscegenation" laws, or other policies of racial segregation. So the apartheid claim is simply false.

2) The sense in which Israel is "Jewish" is essentially two-fold: Jews are favored in immigration, and the state represents Jewish culture in its flag, official holiday calendar, and some of the cultural programming it underwrites. Practically every nation in the world has some kind of similar favoritism in its immigration policy: ethnic Germans, who have lived for generations outside Germany, have a "right of return" to Germany; English-speaking people are favored to enter England, (and I think, the US, Canada, and Australia); only ethnically Dutch people can become Dutch citizens, etc. As for the representation of Judaism in the public square: one glance at the flags of Norway, Sweden, or Denmark demonstrates that many liberal countries are not at all shy about proclaiming themselves officially "Christian." Britain has not one but *two* crosses in its flag. Britain and Sweden both have official churches, and for a long time it was true, and still remains somewhat true, that you can't "really" be British or Swedish without also being Anglican or Lutheran. Saudi Arabia has a crescent on its flag, and is of course very loudly Islamic; so is Iran, and Pakistan was formed to be a home for (Indian) Muslims, as Israel was to be a home for Jews.
Many countries, perhaps most, indeed do far more to promote Christianity or Islam (or Buddhism, in the cases of Burma, Thailand, and Sri Lanka) than Israel does for Judaism.
Christmas is on the official calendar of most Christian countries, and in several (Poland, Ireland) it is difficult or impossible for politicians to defy the Church's teachings on many subjects. So: it is entirely untrue that Israel is the only country "based on" religion or ethnicity. If Israel is racist, so are Britain and Sweden and Pakistan and Thailand, among many, many others. And, given this widespread preference for ethnicities and religions other than Judaism, it is hard for many Jews to find a home outside of Israel.
Someone who proclaims Israel to be basically racist is essentially just saying that they think the ethnic and religious identity of Jews doesn't matter - while the ethnic and religious identity of Germans, Anglicans, Indian Muslims, etc. all do matter. And that is anti-semitism: the racist hatred of or contempt for Jews.

By the way, the old PLO "one-state" line never did call for a strictly "secular, democratic state." It called for an "*Arab*, secular, democratic state." That's just as ethnically limited as a Jewish state.

- Sam Fleischacker
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
University of Illinois, Chicago

Israeli Arab explodes Mideast 'lies'
Lebanese woman says she discovered freedom in Jewish state
"As a Middle Easterner brought up on this patent 'Israel is a racist state' propaganda, I discovered it is total hate-inspired nonsense," she said." I've seen with my own eyes what kind of society Israel is. I consider Israel to be one of the most multi-racial and multi-cultural countries in the world. There are no racial restrictions on becoming a citizen of Israel like there are in many Arab countries. Remember, Jews can't live in the neighboring Arab Kingdom of Jordan or in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."
She explained that more than 100 different countries of the world are represented in the population of Israel.
"Consider how the Israeli government spent tens of millions of dollars airlifting more than 40,000 black Ethiopian Jews to Israel in 1984 and 1991," she said. "Since 2001 Israel has reached out to help others taking in non-Jewish refugees from Lebanon, the Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Vietnam, Liberia, Congo and even Bosnian Muslims. How many such refugees have the 22 states in the Arab league taken in? The Arab world won't even give Palestinian refugees citizenship in their host countries."
She added that more than 1 million Arabs are full Israel citizens, that an Arab sits on the Supreme Court of Israel, that there are Arab political parties expressing views inimical to the state of Israel sitting in the Knesset, that women are equal partners in Israel and have complete human rights.
"Show me an Arab nation with a Jew in its government," she challenged. "Show me an Arab country with half as many Jewish citizens as Israel has Arab citizens. I'll borrow some of your academic freedom now and say that Arab nations are the real racist and oppressive states."

Israel has had waves of immigration from all over the globe-- from India, Africa, Europe, North America, ... like the new boys in this story, from Russia, and Ethiopia. ... Israel is a "multi-cultural" and "multi-racial" society. ... very beautiful with open vistas and, in the mornings and evenings, glowing colors.

Israel is, white, black and brown, here's a proud black Israeli...
Israel Apartheid Week, Haiti and Islamic Jihad



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