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I agree completely with you Dr. Pipes

Reader comment on item: Rooting for Ahmadinejad

Submitted by Carmen Waggoner, Ph.D. (United States), Jun 12, 2009 at 17:48

Dr. Pipes,

I agree completely with your opinion regarding Ahmadinejad as the candidate of choice for the presidency of Iran. I have observed that the smooth speakers are not always the best leaders. For example, Obama was the best speaker to a majority of voters. However, he was also the most devious, since he promised everything groups wanted, namely money to the poor, the middle class, the wealthy, the corporations, the financial institutions, every group that represented potential voters.

So far, half a year later, the poor and the middle class still have not received the "stimulus package" they expect, and probably will never receive...The only groups that received money (not a package) were the Hispanics to cultivate their votes for reelection, and the Islamist groups because they are Muslems.

President Barack Obama is increasingly patronizing the Muslem world more and more openly as time passes. At the same time, he displays antisemitism openly and everywhere. I believe that Barack Obama was born a Muslem, and raised as a Muslem in childhood. I also believe that he was selected TO BE GROOMED FOR PRESIDENCY IN THE UNITED STATES. I believe that only a very wealthy and powerful person could accomplish this,such as the king of Saudi Arabia; when President Back Obama visited him, not too long ago, President Barack Obama literally threw himself to the ground, face down, to greet him. It was nauseating to see the president of the United States debase our entire country by this gesture of submission at the feet of this king; no other president of the United States has ever done this to anyone. I was appalled.

The fact that Obama converted to Christianity was part of the grooming necessary to convince the American crowd. Many were convinced that it was a choice. However, the Q'ran encourages Muslems to convert, if the purpose is to help the greater cause, which is to convert the entire world to Islam. It seemed that it almost worked.

However, Barack Obama has let his mask slip: his overt antisemitism appears in his speeches, here and abroad, especially in the political arena, even when here and there he sprinkles a token word for the Jews, such as he was obligated to do at the Buchenwald Concentration Camp he visited with Elie Wiesel -- The Holocaust is too well documented to deny it, as most Muslems do.

Where is the United States going with all this? The president is "stacking the deck" at the Supreme Court to make sure that he, Back Obama can change The Constitution of the United States, as he simultaneously patronizes the Hispanic population and the Islamist groups in the U.S. for reelection. He already presents the posture of a dictator: the vice president is barely seen and never heard; so is the secretary of state, Hilary Clinton (she is completely muzzled); he speaks down to people, as he tosses his empty promises of jobs, money (the stimulus packages stimulate only him, obviously), and he tries so often to act as the father of the nation, when he forgets that he is NOT Abraham Lincoln, his idol.

At the same time, he and his poor wife (I feel sorry for her), continue to emulate Jack Kennedy and his wife, to the point of even adopting a puppy from one of the Kennedy dogs, or something like that-- it was a good story for the population and the media... But they will never have the class of President Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline, who would have never forced her arm around queen Elizabeth, as Mrs. Obama did (this too was repugnant to watch, while the queen was trying to shake her off!). The only status they have is to be socialites, who appear way too often on television and in preppy magazines.

Finally, President Barack Obama is one with his personna; Bin Ladin and his Muslem cohorts can rub their hands and dance of joy. I predict our president will be celebrating the Ramadan in the White House from now on....under the guise of his persona accepting all religions, as he stupidly tried to demonstrate, when he held a Jewish Seder in the White House a few months ago; it was really a way to justify practicing Ramadan in the future, in his new house.

Best regards,

Carmen Waggoner, Ph.D.


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Reader comments (47) on this item

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Pipes Wins Again! [43 words]Mark PrestonJun 13, 2009 10:46157284
Dr.Pipes got whom he rooted for, and so did Obama. [21 words]M.D'SouzaJun 15, 2009 16:31157284
You may not be very wrong! [105 words]B.N.GururajJun 12, 2009 22:57157263
This misses the point ... [157 words]Nahman UmaniJun 12, 2009 22:48157261
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The lesser of two evils? [96 words]Rebecca MouldsJun 12, 2009 18:58157252
The lesser of two evils... [8 words]jonahJun 28, 2009 22:55157252
I agree completely with you Dr. Pipes [723 words]Carmen Waggoner, Ph.D.Jun 12, 2009 17:48157246
Character Assassination of our President [30 words]TeapotdomeJun 12, 2009 20:00157246
Dr. Pipes is right! Let us have no problems identifying the evil! [50 words]DebbieJun 13, 2009 11:17157246
That's a Good Point, Carmen. [65 words]SvetlanaJun 13, 2009 13:36157246
Dare to voice inner feelings [135 words]B.N.GururajJun 14, 2009 23:33157246
response to Teapotdome (Rooting for Ahmadinejad) [90 words]Carmen Waggoner, Ph.D.Jun 16, 2009 10:52157246
response to "Character Assassination of our President" [87 words]Carmen Waggoner, Ph.D.Jun 16, 2009 11:30157246
Yes, I understand - I thought it would be better if the "honest" hamas won vs fatah, so the world would see what Israel is dealing with [38 words]Mark GoldJun 12, 2009 17:42157244
Better the true face of evil [9 words]Joseph L KleinJun 12, 2009 17:18157243
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Personally... [65 words]orange yonasonJun 12, 2009 17:47157241
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No one will stop the nuclear industry in Iran. [139 words]batya daganJun 12, 2009 16:17157239
Amazed at yout real politik [160 words]
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No, I don't think I missed your point... [213 words]Fay VoshellJun 13, 2009 12:39157238
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Persia Dogs and islam and another victim of the imperialism of the Arabs [279 words]dhimmi no moreSep 7, 2009 07:11157234

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