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First known 'Palywood' "photoshop": 1929: Mufti's montage to incite the Muslim masses leading to massacres

Reader comment on item: 99 Percent of "Palestine Refugees" Are Fake
in response to reader comment: Palestinians are fake at first place

Submitted by Noah (United States), Apr 6, 2021 at 14:37

Bitzaron, Volumes 55-56 - Pages 77-78, 1966

Chaviv Canaan, "The Mufti's War on the Jews"
When the third commissioner came, Sir John Chancellor, who was a civilian, noticed the Mufti that before him in is a weak-minded man, who will try to manage the affairs of the country with a gentle hand while maximizing reconciliation of the extremists.
In 1928, Haj Amin found an excuse to excite Arab passions: he began to appeal on the Jewish right to the Western Wall, provoked a vociferous campaign against their rights to religious worship near the relic
The "saint" claimed that the Jews were standing through the Western Wall to take over the Omar Mosque, that the Western Wall is nothing but one of its walls.
The British surrendered again, began interfering with the Jews in the evening prayer and appointed a committee to regulate the problem of prayers near the Western Wall.
Mission accomplished.

The Western Wall affair began to stir up the atmosphere in the Arab street.

The signal for the revolt was given by the Mufti in August, 1929, when the Zionist Congress was convening in Switzerland and the extended Jewish Agency was established, which also included non-Zionist circles engaged in work for the Jewish Land of Israel. Most of the leaders of the Jewish community were present at the congress. The High Commissioner was on holiday in England.

For a week before the day of the eruption, photographs of Omar Mosque with a Zionist flag on its turret.

It was a fake photomontage he needed to prove to the ignorant masses that Haj Amin's struggle against the Jews' attempts to take over the mosque was right ...

On Friday, incitement preaching was held - according to the Mufti's order - in all mosques across the country. "Holy servants" called for the slaughter of Jews. Word of mouth says that in Jerusalem he will stand ... himself at the head of the people who went out to slaughter the Jews in order to erase the desecration of the mosque on which Jews waved the Zionist flag.

In Hebron, 64 Jews were murdered and the Jewish settlement evacuated the city of the patriarchs and never returned to it despite the attempts to seize it in the early 1930s; In Jerusalem, 30 Jews were slaughtered in Safed - 14. Hulda and Beer Tuvia were destroyed. Jews were murdered in Jaffa, Haifa, Tiberias, on roads and in the fields. Huge property was vandalized. A few days later the British brought reinforcements from Egypt and the riots calmed down.

Everyone knew that the Mufti's hand in murder and destruction, but the British did not dare to place the responsibility on him. The policy of reconciliation towards the Arabs was flourishing.

But for the Mufti, it was again a failure: this time, too, the outbursts failed to put an end to the Jewish settlement enterprise. The Jews recovered and continued to fortify the national home.

The Mufti now blamed the British for everything and in 1933 tried to direct the anger of the masses against the authorities

The continuation of the Jewish aliyah that began to prevail with the rise of Hitler to power in Germany. But the British stifled the eruption with a strong hand and warned that they would not suffer any harm to the government.

Now Haj Amin clearly feels that without outside help and guidance he will no longer be able to revive the idea of ​​rebellion. He concluded that in the future the revolt would have to be directed in parallel against both the Jews and the British.

Between 1933 and 1936, relations between Hitler's fascist Italy and Germany began to tighten. Italy promised him money and weapons. Germany gave him guides from among its citizens who lived in Palestine, were born in it and established a flourishing settlement there in the second half of the last century. These were members of the German Templar community in Palestine.

On the eve of Hitler's birthday on April 19, 1936, the uprising broke out with a massacre of Jews in Jaffa that lasted three days. Jaffa spread the revolt to the rest of the country. Armed and trained units of rebels appeared in the mountains. All the Arab parties organized in the "Supreme Arab Committee" which took over the management of the uprising, with the winner being the Mufti of Jerusalem, who received his salary from the government coffers.

The revolt lasted 3 years this time and ended with the outbreak of World War II. Reliable Hajj aspiration was to create in the country a situation of chaos, insecurity and civil war (Arabs against Jews).
Jews and Britons were murdered by the rebels who even mercilessly slaughtered those Arabs they did not discover willingness to support the rebels.

But this rebellion also failed: after the first blows, the Jews showed great defensiveness and defended not only themselves and their property but also continued to build the land. No Jewish settlement is evacuated. Dozens of new Jewish settlements sprang up throughout the country. Jews collaborated with the British in eliminating the rebels.

Hitler's ally

Exactly two years after his escape from Jerusalem, Haj Amin fled on October 13, 1939, from the villa where he lived near Beirut, and traveled through Syria to Iraq, where he felt great sympathy for his German friends in military circles. He was respectfully received by the nationalist citizens and by the pro-Nazi army officers, as well as by the German Axis in Baghdad Dr. Wilhelm Groba.

In Baghdad, a plan of active cooperation with Germany and Italy began to take shape, declaring their readiness to correct the British error of the First World War by establishing a united Arab power. The first condition that the Mufti set for strengthening cooperation with the Germans was to give a free hand to the extermination of the Jews in Palestine and other Arab countries. He wrote an official letter to Hitler demanding that he recognize the right of the Arabs to solve the problem of Jewish minorities in Arab countries in accordance with the "scientific methods" adopted by Germany and Italy towards their Jews. The Germans' response to the Mufti was: "Jews at your disposal" ...

When Germany attacked the Soviet Union, Britain and the Soviet Union demanded that the Persian Brotherhood side with them and when he refused to do so, the British and Russians came up against Persia from two directions and took over. The Mufti first fled to the Bulgarian embassy and then to the Japanese embassy.
Extensive searches were conducted, but the escape master managed to escape again and in October 1941 discovered in southern Italy. To this day, many wonder how he managed to leave Tehran? It can be assumed because once again the British showed deliberate indifference to his escape from them. They may have wanted to prevent the the risk of trial during the war years, which would have agitated the Arabs and violated the quiet in the Middle East.

From the south of Italy, Haj Amin traveled to Rome, where he was received as the personal guest of the Duchess, and on November 9, 1941, he arrived in Berlin. He was accepted by Hitler, Himmler and Ribbentrop. The Reich Foreign Minister demanded "an official statement from the Fuhrer that Germany pledge to grant full independence to all Arab countries immediately upon its conquest, • assist in the establishment of an Arab empire, and allow the complete erasure of the Jewish settlement in Palestine." Von-Ribbentrop reprimanded the failure of the Iraqi uprising, adding that although the Fuhrer was sympathetic to his claims, he was unwilling to make such a statement at this time "because it would provoke agate-gassy agitation in certain gay countries such as Vichy's France's claim against Syria and Lebanon And Turkey, which has claims against part of Syria. "

From the end of 1941 until the end of the war, Berlin became the home of the Diaspora from Jerusalem. From Berlin distributed his proclamations throughout the lands of Islam, and called over the radio waves for the peoples of Islam to reach out to Nazi Germany; In Berlin he organized espionage services for the benefit of the Nazis in Arab countries, in which he set up the Arab paratroopers and saboteurs' units for operations behind the Allied lines and from there set out to organize SS units Among Muslims in the Balkans, and in Berlin, he helped Adolf Eichmann plan to carry out the final solution to the Jewish problem.

What was the role that Taj Amin played in Germany? In February 1943 the Mufti of the Soviet Union Abdul Rahman Rasulaev, who blamed his colleague from Jerusalem because he is a Gestapo agent...

Satan's partner

On the birthday of the "Prophet" on May 19, 1943, Haj Amin broadcast on Berlin Radio the following views on Jews: 'Jews have a dangerous target for the 400 million Muslims. Their ambition it is to occupy the holy places of Islam, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem while claiming that this mosque is the Temple of Solomon. In so doing, they openly acknowledged uniforms from their political, religious leaders and the officials ... Oh, Arabs and Muslims, on the day the prophet was born who broke the aspirations of the Jews in the past and swept them completely from Muslim countries, on this big day must Muslims and Arabs swear to Allah that they will break the aspirations of the Jews and prove that faith in Allah is great from imperialism and it is much stronger than the devil world that surrounds international Judaism."

On November 2, 1943, at a protest rally against the Balfour Declaration, Haj Amin proudly read a telegram a greeting he received from Heigrich Himmler: "The National Socialist Party has engraved on its banner" the destruction of world Jewry. "Our party supports the struggle of the Arabs and especially the struggle of the Palestinian Arabs against foreign Jews.

In his speech on Radio Berlin on March 1, 1944, Haj Amin exclaimed: "Arabs, stand up as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill Jews wherever you find them. It reconciles Allah, history and religion."

In Berlin, Haj Amin organized the Arab Legion, which included Arab prisoners of war who had fallen to the Germans, Arab students who had studied in Germany, and Arab fighters who had fled to Germany from Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Egypt. The Arab Legion served on the Russian front and suffered heavy losses. When the British government announced the establishment of the Jewish Brigade in 1944, they responded the Germans in turning the Arab Legion into an Arab Brigade "whose purpose is to fight the Jewish Brigade." but the registration of the Arab Brigade was not strong and it did not contribute much to the war effort of the Axis.

About 2,000 Arab soldiers were captured by the Americans and transferred to a POW camp in the United States.
About two months after the American and British invasion of North Africa, the Mufti began recruiting Muslim units in the Balkans. In Yugoslavia he set up SM units. Muslimism with the support of the Croatian Quizligag Agta Pavlic.

These units worked against Tito's partisans and later against the Allied armies in the Balkans. The Mufti used to make frequent visits to these units snd to grant them his "holy" blessing. He would repeat: "Tito is the friend of the Jews and the enemy of the Prophet." In 1946, the president of the Yugoslav parliament and the late Marshal Tito's friend Moshe Fayada told a journalist that "we demanded the extradition of Hajj Amin al-Husseini, who poisoned our Muslim population in Herzegovina and established an entire division of Muslim SS who excelled in war against centralism. Against the partisans "...

The partnership between the Mufti and Eichmann is also much talked about in the Nazi criminal trial in Jerusalem in 1961.
Attorney General, Mr. C. Hausner stated in it: "Whoever began to shed the blood of Jews in this country, his heart is wide open to the impure partnership with the bloodshed of the Jews in the world ... They planned the same bloody craft all over the world ... the Mufti asked for a man like him ... to helplet him finish his work. '

"The Mufti's men were quickly trained in my office as Gestapo experts in the Middle East. One of the people who was in the Mufti's company was called Heydrich of the Middle East."

From the Wieslitzny statement:
"As early as 1937 there was a connection between the German security service and Haj Amin. In Cairo, Eichmann and his friend met with my friend the Mufti and after the latter's visit to Germany he visited Eichmann's office in Berlin. Eichmann spoke to the Mufti about the solution to the problem of Jews in Europe. At the request of the JDC in Slovakia - Eichmann and Himmler agreed to transfer 10,000 Jewish children from Poland to Theresienstadt to replace them with German citizens in the territories of the United States. On the grounds that "these children will later become adults and strengthen the Jews in Palestine." Himmler then issued a general ban on the emigration of Jews from the occupied territories to Palestine."

http://nextweb.lib.ohio-state. edu/projects/hebrew-lexicon/99995-files/99995081/99995081-266/99995081-266.pdf
https://books.google. com/books?id=EcYWAQAAIAAJ&q=%D7%94%D7%9E%D7%95%D7%A4%D7%AA%D7%99%2B%D7%94%D7%A9%D7%9E%D7%93%D7%AA


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Reader comments (28) on this item

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agree 100% [1 words]Jon PurizhanskyJan 15, 2018 10:19241862
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First known 'Palywood' "photoshop": 1929: Mufti's montage to incite the Muslim masses leading to massacres [2218 words]NoahApr 6, 2021 14:37241849
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2The US Should Not Be Aiding and Abetting the Jihad [129 words]DaveJan 11, 2018 10:22241829
1OK, now sell it to the President [28 words]Michael SJan 11, 2018 09:46241828
2This is a question that needs addressing [73 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
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2Islamic hypocrisy knows no bounds [160 words]PrashantJan 16, 2018 22:43241825
Quickly get it passed in Congress. [31 words]Joy Moss-RendellJan 10, 2018 10:58241821
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3As long as world countries and leaders contribute money and support to the Arabs who promote hate [288 words]YJ DraimanJan 9, 2018 21:55241817
Excellent proposal. [43 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AnonJan 9, 2018 21:38241816

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